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The Valencian Workshops: Languages and Culture

Would you like to be part of the Valencian local culture and language? You will be guided by our workshop leaders who will introduce you to a variety of topics ranging from practical issues such as language resources, housing and public transportation to local customs. These meetings will help you immerse in our university, our city, our country and our people. You will be welcome to participate, ask questions and suggest topics of discussion.

Settling in has never been easier!

Who can attend?

University of Valencia international students. Participation is free.

Which language will be spoken?

English; workshop leaders will also show some useful Catalan and Spanish expressions.


3 independent 3-hour sessions: Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12, September 2024, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.


All workshops will be held in the ground floor of Beatriu Civera Building, on Els Tarongers Campus (carrer del Serpis, 29).


Click on the session you would like to attend to register (remember to sign up only for one session):

  • Tuesday 10 September 2024, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.​ FULL
  • Wednesday 11 September 2024, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. FULL
  • Thursday 12 September 2024, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m​. FULL

Unfortunately, all three workshops are full. We encourage everyone to attend the next event that the University of Valencia has programmed to welcome international students and promote multilingualism: Tastallengües languages and cuisine exchange event on Wednesday 2 October. Registration and more information here.



