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In response to the trust that society places in the autonomous management of universities and the openness required within the EHEA, our University wants to guarantee that its actions are in the right direction to achieve the objectives linked to good quality teaching. For this reason, the UV wishes to rely on established policies and internal quality assurance systems (SGIC) that are publicly available.

The Deans Office directs its efforts towards fully meeting the current and future needs and expectations of all stakeholders, both internal and external. To this end, it is committed to using all the technical, economic and human resources available, always in strict compliance with the legislation in force, both at Autonomous, State and European levels.

Our commitment aims at:

  • The satisfaction of our users.
  • The satisfaction of our employees.
  • Our commitment to continuous improvement.

For this reason, the Centre's Quality Commission has been set up and, with the approval of the Centre's Board of Directors, has adopted the Faculty of Law's Quality and Policy Objectives document.

Relevant documents

Quality Manual of the Faculty of Law (approved by the Board of the Centre on 27th October 2021)

Teaching protocol

Criteria for the final evaluation

Faculty of Law Quality and Policy Goals (Spanish only) 



Internal Regulations of the Faculty of Law (ACGUV 74/2018 of 24th April 2018)

Article 27

 1. The centre’s Quality Committee is the body that carries out the tasks of planning and monitoring the Sistema de Garantia Interna de Qualitat (SGIQ, Valencian for Internal Quality Asurance System) It will ensure the achievement of the proposals for improvement put forward in the different institutional assessment processes and will guide the degree accreditation process.

2. The functions of the Quality Committee are:

a) Verify the planning of the Centre’s SGIQ, as to ensure compliance with the general requirements of the SGIQ manual, the Quality Policy Objectives, and the requirements of the corresponding verification and certification guides.

b) Propose and review the Centre’s General Quality Policy and Objectives and inform the entire educational community.

c) Propose and coordinate the formulation of the Centre’s annual objectives and monitor their implementation.

d) Monitor the effectiveness of the procedures through the indicators and evidence associated with them.

e) Receive information from the Dean’s Office on draft modifications to the organisation chart and report on them.

f) Control the execution of corrective and//or preventive actions, actions derived from the review of the system, actions in response to suggestions, complaints and claims. And, in general, of all procedures.

g) To develop the implementation of the SGIQ improvement proposals suggested in the processes set out in the SGIQ.

h) Decide on the frequency and duration, within its sphere of competence, of processes for collecting surveys to measure stakeholder satisfaction.

i) To be informed by the quality coordination team of the results of the satisfaction surveys and to propose criteria for the consideration of the proposals for improvement that may derive from their results.

j) Monitor information and report to the Board of the Centre on the evaluation and improvement processes that have been carried out.

3. The members of the Quality Committee of the faculty shall be elected by the Board of the faculty, at the proposals of the Dean’s Office. The Quality Committee shall be composed of the following members:

a) The Vice-Dean responsible for Quality, who chairs it.

b) The Dean.

c) The presidents of the academic committees of Degrees and Master’s Degrees.

d) The vice-deans responsible for undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the centre.

e) The Secretary of the Faculty.

f) The coordination team of the Degrees offered by the centre.

g) A representative of the centre’s administration and services staff.

h) A representative of the student’s body.

i) A technician from the Quality Unit of the Universitat de València.


Faculty of Law Quality Committee members