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NOTE: Any queries or incidents regarding the procedures for external Internships / Practicum at the Faculty of Law should be sent to practiques.dret@uv.es from the University's email address (@alumni.uv.es).

1. General information

The external internships are an activity of a formative nature carried out by students in companies, offices, institutions and other entities. Its main objective is to enable students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training, while favouring the acquisition of skills that will prepare them for the exercise of professional activities, facilitate their employment and foster their entrepreneurial capacity.

The Faculty of Law considers external internships to be an important and necessary methodology in the learning and preparation of its students and, at the same time, a way of linking them with society.

The organisation, planning and management of external internships is the responsibility of ADEIT, Business-University Foundation of the Universitat de València in coordination with the Internship Committee of the Faculty of Law.

All the internships of the different degrees of the Faculty of Law are tutored and supervised by a tutor from the Faculty of Law.

2. Process Calendar

In the following document you can find all the important dates to be taken into account by the internship student throughout the academic year, classified by degree.

Calendar for the 2024/2025 academic year


3. Internship Application

Starting in the 2024/25 academic year, and due to the implementation of the new academic management computer tools, an application for external internships will no longer have to be submitted through the Virtual Secretariat as has been done until now, but rather the procedure will begin when the student enrolls in the external internship along with the resto of the subjects in teh month of July.

However, as of the holding of the information sessions (week of May 6 to 10), the following deadlines are opened:

  • Presentation of self-practice proposals (see point 5)
    • 1st term: until July 31, 2024
    • 2nd term: until November 29, 2024
  • Communication to practiques.dret@uv.es of the intention to present self-practicum for the 2nd term*: until July 31, 2024
  • Submission of applications for recognition of internships based on professional experience: until July 11, 2024 (see point 8)
  • Communication to practiques.dret@uv.es os of the area of interest of the practice (legal area or criminological area) by the students of the double degree Law-Criminology: until July 31, 2024.
  • rnship is requested.
  • Students of Double Degree in Law + Criminology must indicate in the comments section of the application form the area of interest of the internship (legal or criminological area).

* As the deadline for submitting the self-practicum for the second term ends on a date after the election of places by ranking, it is mandatory to communicate to practiques.dret@uv.es the intention to opt for the self-practicum modality and the commitment to present the proposal before November 29, 2024.

If the student chooses "self practice" and does not present the documentation within the deadline (for example, he/she has not found a company), he/she must choose a place among those that have not been occupied in the election ceremony in September.
If the studen chooses a place in ranking, in no case will he/she be able to subsequently submit a self-practicum proposal since the ADEIT place chosen cannot be waived.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Student of the Degree in Political Science and Publica Administration of the 2010 plan (without teaching) must carry out the internship in the 1st term and those of the 2021 plan in the 2nd term.

4. Enrolment

The enrolment for the internship must be formalised at the same time as the rest of the subjects in the ordinary enrolment process.

Students who do not meet the academic requirements established for each degree programme, which can be consulted in the section "Degree Internships / Double Degree Internships", should not enrol. Those who have not formally applied through the Virtual Office should also not enrol.

5. Internship Modalities (1): Autopracticum

On their own initiative, students can find a place to carry out the internship, which we call “Autopracticum", the suitability of which is assessed by the Internship Committee of the Faculty of Law.

The following rules must be met:

  • It is not possible to carry out the autopracticum in two or more different places.
  • It is not possible to do a autopracticum in a position where there is a family relationship up to the third degree of kinship with those responsible for the management bodies of the company or entity or with the tutors.

The internship activities must coincide with one or more of the proposed model programmes:

In the case of not matching with any programme, a description of the training project must be included in the application.


  1. Submit the internship application via the Virtual Office from 8th May to 14th July.
  2. Check in this application the option “Autopracticum".
  3. Download the following form:
  4. Submit the duly completed form by electronic registration:

6. Internship Modalities (2): Ranking

Admitted students who do not submit a proposal for a autopracticum (or whose proposal has not been approved by the Commission) must choose one of the places offered by ADEIT.

The order of choice will be determined by the average mark of the transcript on 1 September 2024 for the students who choose a place in both the 1st and 2nd term. In the Double Degre ADE-Lau, the order wil be determined by the order of enrollment.

The list of places available for students to choose from will be published on the Faculty's website and on the ADEIT website. This list will include details of the company, city, period of the internship, additional requirements, activities to be carried out and whether or not there is remuneration.

Students who have completed a mobility stay in the previous academic year must fulfil the same requirements regarding the number of credits passed as the rest of the students enrolled in the degree course. However, due to the fact that, when the lists of admitted students are drawn up and ordered according to grades, in some cases the student's updated transcript (official grades obtained at the host university) is not yet available, the credits included in the study contract will be counted as having been passed (only for the purpose of fulfilling requirements). For students in the 1st term, the average grade for the choice of place in the ranking modality will be the one recorded in the file on September 1, even if the international credits have not been recognized.

7. Appointment of tutor and handing over of internship agreements

Appointment of University tutor
Once the internship places have been chosen, the Faculty of Law distributes the lecturers who will be in charge of tutoring the subject "External Internships/Practicum" among those who have been teaching the subject this academic year.

Handling over of internship agreements
The format of the external academic placement agreement is only digital (pdf document) and will therefore be sent electronically, via email, to all interested parties: academic tutor, company tutor and student.

8. Recognition of professional experience

Students who have carried out a professional activity that is in line with the content of the corresponding degree can apply for recognition of the work placement.

Officials and civil servants (groups A and B) in the public administration who can prove that they have sufficient work experience in accordance with the qualification. Activities corresponding to the duties performed by officials in groups D and E are expressly excluded for the purposes of recognition.

Officials in group C may apply for recognition of the duties performed in their professional activity (provided that they are comparable to those of qualification groups A or B).

Regardless of their content, extracurricular placements are expressly excluded from the recognition scheme. In no case shall activities carried out in companies, institutions or organisations be recognised in the absence of an employment or commercial contract.


  1. Download the following form:
  2. Submit the duly completed form by electronic registration:
  3. Please attach the following documentation:
    • Service Sheet or Employment Record
    • Certificate from the company or institution, signed and stamped by its director or head, stating the length of service, professional category and a detailed description of the work performed.
    • Original report, personalised and signed by the student requesting the recognition, describing in detail the professional tasks performed in the company or institution, with a length of 5 to 10 pages.


The Faculty of Law's Internship Committee will decide on applications for recognition before the sessions for the selection of curricular placements.
The resolution will be notified to the sudent in the same file where the procedure begins. If it is favorable, it will be included in the student's academic record with the note "Passed" and will involve payment of the corresponding academic fees. The unfavorable resolution will lead to the inclusion of the student in the selection lists by ranking.

9. Internship Assessment

Once the placement has finished and within a maximum period of ten working days, the student must submit to the academic tutor a report of the activities carried out according to his/her instructions.
At the end of the placement, the company or institution tutor will receive the final assessment report telematically, which must be filled in and sent telematically to the academic tutor.

The evaluation of the practice is carried out according to the following aspects, each of which has a specific weight in the final grade, and it is an essential condition for passing the course to comply with all of them:

  • 30% Report from the company or institution's work placement tutor.
  • 10% Attendance at tutoring sessions and career guidance courses and seminars
  • 60% Presentation of a final report in which the reasons for choosing the placement, the importance of the internship in their training, the characterisation of the field of work and the entity of the internship, the work plan and its development, the professional applications of the internship in the sector and the conclusions will be presented.

10. Internship Guides

11. Unpaid internships: Membership and student fees

Degree in Criminology Internships

1. Subject information

35095 External Internships

  • Enrolment requirements:: 60 credits of basic training, all the credits of the 2nd year and a total of 159 credits of the Degree as a whole must have been passed.
  • Number of credits: 15 cr.
  • External internship duration: 340 hours
  • Training Programmes

2. Briefing Session

  • 10th May 2024 at 09:00 p.m. - Videoconference (the link to the session will be sent by e-mail)

External Internships Presentation 24/25 Academic Year

Recording Briefing Session (10/05/2024)


3. Provisional list of admissions

Publication date:

3rd September 2024

4. Final list of admissions

5. Number of places approved by the Commission

Publication date:

6th September 2024

6. Placement election session

16th September