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General information of the Final Degree Project

NOTE: Any queries or incidents regarding the procedures of the Final Degree Project of the Faculty of Law should be sent to tfgdret@uv.es from the institutional email address.

1- General Information

Final Degree Project nature and description

Royal Decree 822/2021, of September the 28th, states that all official degree courses must conclude with the preparation and presentation of a TFG (Final Degree Project) which must form part of the syllabus. It also states that the TFG must be carried out in the final phase of the study plan following the criteria established by each university or centre, and must be defended in a public event.

More specifically, the TFG is defined as an autonomous and individual work that each student has to carry out under the supervision of a tutor (or tutors). The essential aim of these examinations is for students to demonstrate their mastery and application of knowledge, competences and skills that define the Official Degree. At the Faculty of Law it must deal with an aspect related to the qualification studied: Law, Political Science or Criminology.

Final Degree Project Committee

The main task of the Final Degree Project Committee is to manage the whole process related to the TFG and to guarantee the application of the Universitat de València Regulations, as well as to draw up the instructions for the preparation, presentation and assessment of the Final Degree Project for each Degree.

Final Degree Project Modalities

The Final Degree Project may have a practical or professional application aspect or it may be a research project. In the respective instruction for each grade, the characteristics of each modality are explained.

2- Process schedule

Second half of July:Enrolment (along with the other subjects)

From September the 1st to September the 20thSubject area and tutor reservation request to be sent to tfgdret@uv.es and must be signed by handwritten or digitally signed by the tutor.

From October the 7th Consultation in the Virtual Office of the subject areas and tutors, as well as the appointment for the choice of subject area and tutor.

Second half of October: Choice of subject area and tutor. This will be done telematically at the time of each student’s appointment

From October the 1st to October the 11th 2024:Final Degree Project defence period of the advanced call. Request via Virtual Office

First half of February: Final Degree Project enrolment extension

From February the 3rd to February the 3rd 2025:1th Defence period for the first ordinary call for applications. Request via Virtual Office

From May the 19th to July the 10th 2025: 2nd. Defence period for the first ordinary call for applications. Request via Virtual Office

From July the 14th to the 25th 2025: Defense period for the second ordinary call for applications. Request via Virtual Office

3- Enrolment

Enrolment in the Final Degree Project is carried out during the ordinary term and at the same time as the student enrols in the rest of the subjects.

The student may register for the Final Degree Project when he/she has passed all the credits needed to complete the degree, or at least includes all these credits in his/her registration. You can only stop enrolling for participation credits, which must be incorporated before the deposit is formalised.

Each academic year and extraordinary enrolment period will be opened in February, which will allow students who were unable to enrol in the Final Degree Project during the ordinary period.

Enrolment will give the option of two official exam dates during the academic year.

Call for extraordinary enrolment period February

4- Enrolment and assessment requirements for the Final Degree Project

In order to be able to carry out the defence/reading of the project, the student must meet the following academic requirements:

To have passed all subjects up to the 3rd year (up to the 4th year if it is a double degree).

To have enrolled in all the subjects of the 4th year (5th year for double degrees).

Have incorporated, where appropriate, the participation credits.

The Final Degree Project Committee will authorise the public defence after verifying these presentation requirements.

Requirements for enrolment and presentation of the Final Degree Project

5- Assignment of subject area and tutor. Final Degree Project Choice.

The assignment of subject area and tutor is valid for the enrolled course. However, those students who have advanced their work but are unable to defend it may request the reservation of a subject area and tutor for the following year. This application, which must be sent between September the 1st and 20th to tfgdret@uv.es, must be signed by the tutor in handwritten or digital form. If the student does not apply for the reservation/continuity of subject area and tutor, he/she must necessarily participate in the general public assignment procedure.

Request for subject area and tutor reservation

Area and tutor reservation tutorial

Students enrolled in the Final Degree Project will be assigned a subject area and tutor by means of a procedure similar to that followed for self-enrolment. The student will receive an appointment with the date and time according to the average mark parameter and must make the choice telematically. The subject areas and tutors, as well as the appointments for the choice of places, can be checked via the Virtual Office from October the 6th.

Before making any choice, it is advised to carefully read all the information, especially the following tutorial:

Choice of subject and tutor tutorial

In the double degrees MBA-Law, Law-Criminology and Sociology-Political Sciences the choice will be face-to-face. (pending)

Data d'elecció (ADE-Dret): 20 de setembre de 2024 a les 14:00 h. en el Saló de Graus de la Facultat de Dret

Students who apply for continuity of subject/tutor from the previous year do NOT have to participate in the election process as continuity guarantees the reserved place.

The process of choosing places will be done online in the second half of October. It is recommended to use a computer before other devices, and to have pop-up windows enabled in the browser. At the end of the process, click on print and save the pdf file with the result of the election.

The list of places will be updated on election days at 11:30 am, 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm.

6- List of topic/tutors. 2024/25 Academic Year

Degree in Law

Degree in Political Sciences (2010)

Degree in Criminology

Double Degree in Law-Political Sciences

Degree in Political Sciences (2021)

- Listado de estudiantes Derecho-Criminología por orden de elección

- Plazas Derecho-Criminología (Área Jurídica)

- Plazas Derecho-Criminología (Área Criminológica)

Double Degree in Business Administration and Management Law (Law Area)

Double Degree in Business Administration and Management Law (Economics Area)

Double Degree in Business Administration and Management Law (List of Students)

Doble Grau ADE-Dret

- Llistat d'estudiants (ADE-Dret) per ordre de'elecció

- Places ADE-Dret (Departaments Fac. Economia)

- Places ADE-Dret (tema/tutor Fac. Dret)

7- List of topics/tutors. 2023/24 Academic Year. February Call.

All degrees and double degrees

8- Defence period

Like any other subject, registration will entitle the student to two official calls within the defence periods approved annually by the Final Degree Project Committee.

An extraordinary period for the defence of the Final Degree Project is established at the beginning of the course (early call), three ordinary periods throughout the course (first call for the student) and a final reading period at the end of the course (second call for the student).

For the 20232/24 academic year

Defence periods for the 2023/24 academic year

For the 2024/25 academic year

Defence periods for the 2024/25 academic year

9- Final Degree Project Defence

The Final Degree Project must be submitted by electronic registration at the UV’s Online Office at least three days before the required defence before the tutor. It must include the final version of the work and the tutor’s written consent or, failing this, a screen print of the tutor’s formal authorisation email stating the date, time and place for the defence.

The student must be aware of the possible notifications of documentation correction that can be sent through the UV Online Office until the receipt of the authorisation for the defence of the Final Degree Project.

Before the presentation it is advised to read the following tutorial:

Tutorial on how to submit the Final Degree Project by electronic registration

Tutor’s letter of agreement

Administrative action protocol for the 2023-24 Academic Year

The Final Degree Project Committee authorises the public defence act after verifying the submission requirements of the project.

10- Final Degree Project Evaluation

The final grade of the Final Degree Project must be in accordance with the following percentages:

- 20% Attendance at tutorials (research of materials, presentation of reports and drafts...). In Law Degree will be 15%: Attendance at tutorials and 5% Information and Digital Skills Course

- 80% Completion of the work and oral defence (appropriate methodology and analysis techniques, correct structure, clarity in the oral presentation, etc.).

Once the defence has taken place, the tutor evaluates the Final Degree Project and completes the reading report.

Final Degree Project Guidelines

Degree in Criminology

Guidelines for the elaboration, presentation and evaluation of the Final Degree Project Cover Final Degree Project Criminology Degree (spa)