The Faculty of Law offers you various channels of communication:
Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and YouTube:
By clicking on the links at the top you can access the rest of the Faculty's profiles in networks. If you wish to extend any activity to the university community, you can request publication by sending an email with the content you wish to share to
What service are we offering?
The Faculty of Law of the Universitat de València offers members of the university community a unidirectional service for the distribution of information of interest to users and staff of the Faculty.
Can I make an enquiry?
It is NOT a chat service. Users cannot make enquiries or hold conversations with other members of the group through this application.
How do I subscribe?
Add the Faculty's number (669843043) to your contact list and send a whatsapp with the words ALTA + PDI, PAS or ESTUDIANTE (for example ALTA + ESTUDIANTE). Within a maximum period of 72 hours, the user will start receiving information from the Faculty of Law.
If your whatsapp profile is private and you want it to remain that way, remove the Faculty's number from your contact list. You will continue to receive the information without sharing your profile data, photo, status, etc.
How do I unsubscribe?
By sending a WhatsApp with the word BAJA you will stop receiving communications from the Faculty of Law. We will confirm your cancellation within 10 days.
Is my privacy protected?
As a WhatsApp user you should be aware that your data will be used and stored by WhatsApp Inc. You can consult WhatsApp's terms of use and privacy policy. Regarding the processing of your data by the Universitat de València, specifically by the Faculty of Law, you can find more information in our privacy policy.