NOTE: Any queries or incidents regarding admission by change of official Spanish studies (and/or university) should be addressed to
Call for students with partial official Spanish university studies who apply for admission to one of the Degrees or Double Degrees offered by the Faculty of Law in the academic year 2024/25.
- Presentation: The processing will be electronic from 1th to 19th July 2024 by the Online Office
- Results: Before the 30th September 2024 (published on the UV’s Official Board)
Places by Degrees
- Degree in Law: 16 places
- Degree in Criminology: 5 places
- Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration: 5 places
- Double Degree in Business Administration and Management-Law: 5 places
- Double Degree Law-Political Sciences and Administration: depending on vacancies
- Double Degree Law-Criminology: depending of vacancies
General Requirements for the Degrees and Double Degrees
- Applicants must have passed enough credits in their home degree programme to have at least 30 credits recognised in the host degree programme, in accordance with article 3 of RD 412/2014.
- By agreement of the Academic Committees, applicants must have a minimum average mark of 6.5 and must accredit at least the passing of 60 credits on their original transcript.
- Applications will not be accepted in the following cases:
- Applications that entail the need to take subjects that are not taught due to the termination of the corresponding study plan.
- Applications from students with 6 calls for applications in the studies they have started.
Additional and Access Requirements for the Double Degree in Law-Political Sciences
Additional and Access Requirements for the Double Degree in Law-Criminology
Management criteria for the applications
- Students of degrees in the same branch of knowledge. For qualifying degrees (or pre-qualifying degrees as in the case of the Degree in Law), preference will be given to students from the same degree.
- Students from other branches of knowledge.
- Once the above criteria have been applied:
- Average mark of the academic transcript.
- Number of recognised credits.
- Duly substantiated reasons for the request:
- Work transfers
- Family residence transfers
- High level and high performance sportspeople
- Agreement with the university of origin
- Other justified causes
All electronic processing is carried out in the Online Office of the Universitat de València.
The award of the place will give rise to:
- The transfer of the corresponding file to be processed by the university of origin once the admission to the Universitat de València has been accredited by means of the letter of admission.
- The payment of 25% of the fees for recognised credits (Fees Act 20/2017, of 28 December, of the Generalitat Valenciana).
- Copy of the National Identity Card or Passport.
- Official personal academic transcript stating grades, average mark, course load and number of academic sessions completed. Students who have taken official studies in other degrees at the Universitat de València can attach their academic transcript and average mark from the Virtual Secretary's Office. The Faculty of Law reserves the right to request at any time the originals of those certificates attached that are not electronic with verification code. The date of issue of the certificate may not be later than the last day for submission of applications (19th July 2024).
- Study plan from the university of origin in electronic format with Secure Verification Code (CSV) or, failing that, a copy of the publication of the study plan in the BOE.
- Programmes of the subjects taken and passed for which there is NO precedent of resolution in the recognition tables of the degree applied for. The programmes must be submitted with the seal of the university of origin, or in electronic format with a Secure Verification Code. Precedents can be found at (University, Centre, Study Plan and Name of the Subject must coincide).