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NOTE: Any queries or incidents regarding the Credit Recognition procedures of the Faculty of law should be sent to from the institutional email address.

General information

All students enrolled in a Degree and Double Degree programme at the Faculty of Law who can accredit previous studies in the following subjects have the option of applying for the Recognition of credits

  • Other official university degrees from both the UV and other universities, completed or not completed.
  • Non-university higher education (Upper-Level Training Cycles).
  • Own Degree Titles.

On this same page you can check the tables with all the recognition precedents approved by the respective academic commissions, sorted by degree.

On request, all students who accredit subjects passed with a favourable precedent will have the recognition applied directly to them. The name of the subject, the name of the degree, the study plan and the university of origin must match.

The tables are based on resolutions of previous years and do not cover all subjects of the degree course of origin. If the subjects provided have no precedent in the tables, the corresponding academic committee will draw up the mandatory report, taking into account the nature of the subject:

  • Basic training subjects: they are recognised according to the credits passed. If the destination degree belongs to the same branch as the degree of origin, at least 36 credits of basic training of the destination degree must be recognised.
  • Compulsory and elective subjects: recognition is obtained when the subject provided has at least 75% of the same credits, content and competences.

Subjects with an unfavourable precedent will not be recognised in any case.


  1. Once enrolled, the student will submit the application for recognition at the University's Online Office, indicating the subjects passed and those to be recognised, attaching the appropriate documentation.
  2. When the recognition is resolved (either by application of precedents or by report of the Academic Committee), the Administrative Services of the Faculty will transfer each student:
    1. Copy of the resolution.
    2. In the event of a favourable recognition: Receipt of fees (25% of the value of the credits), with the application of the exemption if applicable (large family, disability, etc.).
  3. The interested party must pay the corresponding bill through the channels provided (via the Virtual Office, the Online Office or at the ATM)
  4. As soon as confirmation of payment has been received, the recognition record will be closed and the subjects will be added to the transcript the following day.


Submission deadline

From the time of enrolment until 30th September 2024


The following documentation must be attached to the application for recognition:

  • Personal academic certification (students who present their studies at UV do not need to provide it).
  • Copy of the study plan stamped by the centre (only in the case of studies taken at other universities).
  • Copy of the programmes of the subjects taken, stamped by the centre (in the case of subjects with a favourable precedent, it is not necessary to attach the programmes).