Faculty of Law
University of Valencia
Edificio Departamental Occidental
Campus dels Tarongers
Avda. dels Tarongers, s/n
46022 Valencia (SPAIN)
Phone: (+34) 96 162 53 21
(+34) 96 382 86 53
Fax: (+34) 96 382 85 96
The Faculty is located in Departamental Occidental building on the Tarongers campus, one of the three campuses of the Universitat de València. It is situated in the northeast of Valencia and both public and private transport have access to it.
The Departamental Occidental building is home to all the Faculty of Law services. It is divided into sectors from 'A' to 'F'.
How to get to the Campus with public transport:
How to get to the Campus by car:
From the East by Serrería and Av. Tarongers, from the South by Av. Cataluña, from the West by the Ronda Nord and from the North by Barcelona motorway.
From Valencia city centre you can get there through Av. Aragón.