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On-site attendance from 27 November to 9 December 2024 has been moved to ESPAI VIVES

  • From 2 December, attendance will take place at ESPAI VIVES (Avinguda Blasco Ibañez, 23 Valencia). You must enter through the side door as indicated in the map:

2024-2025 Academic Year

Every year the Ministry of Education awards various types of grants for university students.

Text of the public call

Resolution, the Secretary of State for Education, Training and Universities, which are called general grants for the academic year 2024-2025, for students of university.

To be eligible you must

  • Not be in possession or be in legal disposition to obtain a degree of the same or higher level corresponding to the studies in which you are applying for a grant.
  • Meet the basic requirements established in the Royal Decree 1721/2007 and those set forth in this call.
  • Be enrolled in any of the university system programmes as listed in Article 3 of this call.
  • Be a Spanish citizen, or have EU-nationality. In the latter case, you or a member of your support system must be working in Spain. If you are a non-EU student, the regulations of rights and responsibilities of foreigners in Spain and their social integration shall apply.
  • Deliver to the electronic headquarters of the scholarship unit the documentation that according to your personal situation
    It will be necessary to process your request (prove family unity independent, justify the non-inclusion of a parent in the unit relative, present a permanent residence permit, etc.)

Eligible study programmes

Grants are awarded to an undetermined number of recipients in the following study programmes:

  • University studies adapted to the European Higher Education Area leading to official undergraduate and Master’s degrees.
  • University studies leading to a licenciado (5-year degree), engineering degree, architecture degree, diplomado (3-year degree), maestro (3-year teaching degree), 3-year technical engineering degree and 3-year architecture degree.
  • Preparatory course taught at public universities for university access for students over 25.
  • Additional training course for access to a Master’s degree, undergraduate or licenciatura.

Not included in this grant are PhD studies, specialisation studies or university-specific degrees.

Submission deadline

Until May 10, 2024


National level


Check your application file

Very important notice

Recipients of the Ministry of Education grant for this year are reminded that in accordance with regulations, the grant will not be awarded to those in the following situations:

  • Having cancelled enrolment.
  • Not taking the exam in at least one third of the enrolled credit hours in ordinary and extraordinary calls.

In such events the grant must be refunded.


For more information or any enqueries, contact us:

Link to tiqueting: Grants


2023-2024 Academic Year

Every year the Ministry of Education awards various types of grants for university students.

Text of the public call

Resolution, the Secretary of State for Education, Training and Universities, which are called general grants for the academic year 2023-2024, for students of university.

To be eligible you must

  • Not be in possession or be in legal disposition to obtain a degree of the same or higher level corresponding to the studies in which you are applying for a grant.
  • Meet the basic requirements established in the Royal Decree 1721/2007 and those set forth in this call.
  • Be enrolled in any of the university system programmes as listed in Article 3 of this call.
  • Be a Spanish citizen, or have EU-nationality. In the latter case, you or a member of your support system must be working in Spain. If you are a non-EU student, the regulations of rights and responsibilities of foreigners in Spain and their social integration shall apply.
  • Deliver to the electronic headquarters of the scholarship unit the documentation that according to your personal situation
    It will be necessary to process your request (prove family unity independent, justify the non-inclusion of a parent in the unit relative, present a permanent residence permit, etc.)

Eligible study programmes

Grants are awarded to an undetermined number of recipients in the following study programmes:

  • University studies adapted to the European Higher Education Area leading to official undergraduate and Master’s degrees.
  • University studies leading to a licenciado (5-year degree), engineering degree, architecture degree, diplomado (3-year degree), maestro (3-year teaching degree), 3-year technical engineering degree and 3-year architecture degree.
  • Preparatory course taught at public universities for university access for students over 25.
  • Additional training course for access to a Master’s degree, undergraduate or licenciatura.

Not included in this grant are PhD studies, specialisation studies or university-specific degrees.

Submission deadline

Until May 17, 2023


National level


Check your application file

Very important notice

Recipients of the Ministry of Education grant for this year are reminded that in accordance with regulations, the grant will not be awarded to those in the following situations:

  • Having cancelled enrolment.
  • Not taking the exam in at least one third of the enrolled credit hours in ordinary and extraordinary calls.

In such events the grant must be refunded.


For more information or any enqueries, contact us:

Link to tiqueting: Grants


2022-2023 Academic Year

Each year, the Spanish Ministry of Education offers various types of scholarships for university students.

Text of the public call:

Resolution, of the Secretary of State for Education and Higher Training, announcing general scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year, for students studying post-compulsory studies.

To be eligible you must

  • Not be in possession or be in legal disposition to obtain a degree of the same or higher level corresponding to the studies in which you are applying for a grant.
  • Meet the basic requirements established in the Spanish Royal Decree 1721/2007 and those set forth in this call.
  • Be enrolled in one of the courses of study in the Spanish university system listed in article 3 of this call for applications.
  • Be Spanish or have the nationality of a Member State of the European Union. In the case of citizens of the European Union or their family members, it will be required that they have the status of permanent residents or that they can prove that they are self-employed or employed. These requirements will not be required in order to obtain the enrolment grant.

In the case of non-EU students, the provisions of the regulations on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration shall apply.

Eligible study programmes

Grants are awarded to an undetermined number of recipients in the following study programmes:

  • Post-compulsory and higher non-university education in the Spanish education system and valid throughout the national territory.
  • University studies of the Spanish university system, studied in Spanish centres and valid throughout the national territory.

This call does not include grants for studies corresponding to the third cycle or doctoral programmes, specialisation studies or university specific degrees.

Submission deadline

From March the 30th until May the 12th 2022, at 24.00h peninsular time, both inclusive.




Access to grant application

Check your application file

Check your application file

Grant Resolution 

The final resolution of beneficiaries for the 2022/2023 academic year has been published.

Very important notice

Beneficiaries of the Spanish Ministry of Education grants for the current academic year 2022-2023 are reminded that, in accordance with the provisions of the scholarship regulations, those who have incurred in any of the following situations will be understood not to have used the scholarship for the purpose for which it was granted:

  • Having cancelled the enrolment or de facto abandonment of studies.
  • Not having passed 50 per cent of the credits enrolled, either in ordinary or extraordinary exams. In the case of courses in the branches of Science and Technical Education, the minimum percentage to be passed will be 40%. For the calculation of this percentage, validated, recognised or adapted credits will be excluded. In this case, all the components of the grant will be refunded, with the exception of the enrolment grant.

In these cases, the grant awarded will be returned.


For more information or any enqueries, contact us:

Link to tiqueting: Grants
