Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Nutrició Humana i DietèticaFacultat de Farmàcia Logo del portal

Documents and Regulations.

2014-2015 Academic Year

Repeaters who are maintaining their Final Degree Project, have to make a formal written report to the Office of the secretary at the Faculty of Pharmacy from 1 to 15 September 2014.

Students who are going to do a ‘Autotrabajo’ or self-work, shall present a request signed by the tutor to the Office of the secretary at the Faculty of Pharmacy from 1 to 15 September 2014.

The assignation will take place on September 29 at 13:30 in the Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Pharmacy

The assignation criteria will be based on the average grade, up to 10, the expedient and the number of passed credits.


Exam timetables for the Degree Final Project in Human Nutrition and Dietetics for the school year 2014-2015:

31 October 2014, 4 December 2014, 12 March 2015, 26 June 2015, 20 July 2015, 29 July 2015, 18 September 2015, or when 5 or more students request so.

Documents and Regulations.