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The last edition of the study on labour market insertion for the Degree in Speech Therapy analyzes the fourth and fifth class, that is, students who graduated in 2017 and 2018. The graduates were surveyed in 2019, 1 or 2 years after obtaining their degree. Aside from the results of the last study you can also find those from previous studies.
3r estudi (2016-2018)   Summary of the LMIS of the Degree in Speech Therapy
Complete LMIS report of the Degree in Speech Therapy
Summary of the LMIS of the Health Sciences Branch
Executive Report of the Study of Labour Insertion of the UV graduates
2n estudi (2014-2016)   Summary of the LMIS of the Degree in Speech Therapy
Complete LMIS report of the Degree in Speech Therapy
Summary of the LMIS of the Health Sciences Branch
Executive Report of the Study of Labour Insertion of the UV graduates
1r estudi (2013-2014)   General Report
Report on the main employment indicators