The objectives of the Institute are:
- To develop and foster research activity related to historical and social studies on medicine and science.
- To offer postgraduate teaching (at master's and doctoral level) in the field of the history of science and scientific communication, within the framework of the University of Valencia's Official Postgraduate Programmes.
- To carry out activities to disseminate and popularise scientific culture.
- To preserve, study and propagate our historico-medical and historico-scientific heritage, by digitalising printed texts, cataloguing and studying the collection of medical and scientific instruments and disseminating our bibliographical and documentary holdings.
- Promoting research.
- Organising post-graduate and doctoral courses, specialised courses, sessions, seminars and congresses.
- Promoting the dissemination and transference of the results of research within the field of the corresponding lines of work.
- Elaborating reports and decisions on request of public and private institutions.
- Elaborating didactic materials relevant for the organisation of courses, seminars and other educational activities.
- Establishing permanent relationships with other Spanish and international institutes and centres of research.
- In general, promoting any initiative aiming to support study and research.
- Promoting and developing activities of dissemination related to the fields of research.
- Conducting activities related to the tangible and intangible bibliographical heritage linked to its field.