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Cross of the Distinguished Services of Industrial Relations and Labor Sciences, to Dr. Luis Montoro

February, 2020


Professor Dr. Luis Montoro, Director of the research group FACTHUM.lab of INTRAS, has been distinguished with the Distinguished Services Cross of Industrial Relations and Labor Sciences, in recognition of the exceptional services provided to society in the field of Road safety.

The award, granted by the General Council of Industrial Relations and Graduates in Labor Sciences of Spain, was presented during the 21st Technical Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention and Social Responsibility held in Ciudad Real on February 28 and 29 of 2020.

Likewise, he was awarded the title that accredits him as an Honorary Member of the General Council and the chapter of the Cross of Distinguished Services. 

Woman and Traffic Management Award, to Dr. Cristina Esteban

November, 2018


Dr. Cristina Esteban, Secretary of INTRAS and researcher of the DATS research group, has received the Woman and Traffic Management Award in its 4th edition, at the ceremony that took place on November 21 in Madrid.

The Women and Traffic Management Awards, organized by the Association of Traffic Engineers and Mobility Technicians, are focused on recognizing the work of those women who, from the Administration, the University and the private Enterprise, have worked intensely for the traffic and, in particular, to promote Traffic Engineering in Spain.

Road Safety Award, to Professor Luis Montoro

June 2018


Professor Luis Montoro has been awarded the Road Safety Award in the 7th Edition of the COPE Valencia Awards, which aim to recognize companies, associations and individuals that throughout the year have stood out for their work and effort in the promotion and improvement of the Valencian Community. The awards ceremony was held in Valencia on June 14, 2018.

Medal of Honor of the Road, to Dr. Francisco Alonso

June, 2018


Dr. Francisco Alonso, Director of INTRAS and the DATS research group, has been awarded the Road Medal of Honor for the merits acquired during his professional life, at an event held on June 7.

In his double facet of professor and researcher for 30 years, Dr. Francisco Alonso has treated the accident rate from theory and science. Psychologist of formation, began his trajectory in the Unit of Investigation in Psychology of the Traffic in the University of Valencia. From here, he encouraged and promoted the creation of the Institute he now runs, a center that is a national reference in terms of traffic and road safety. But his works, far from being reduced to the theoretical field, have always had a clear practical aspect. It has contributed, for example, to the signaling of the accident concentration sections, the reform of the Criminal Code or the development of numerous regulations and regulations in Spain and in other countries. As a researcher, he has participated or directed more than 160 projects for administrations, institutions and companies. All this work can only be justified, according to those who know it well, by motivation and the illusion of fulfilling a moral duty that aims to save lives.

Gold Medal of ‘Foro Europa’ to Professor Luis Montoro

September, 2014


Prof. Luis Montoro, Full-University Professor of Road Safety and Director of the Research Group FACTHUM.lab of INTRAS, was awarded the Gold Medal of ‘Foro Europa’ in recognition of his work career and research in the field of traffic and road safety.

Cross of Professional Merit of the Municipal Police of Madrid, to Professor Alonso

June, 2014


June 24th, 2014, on the occasion of the celebration of the Patron of the Municipal Police Corps, Saint John Baptist, the Director of INTRAS Dr. Francisco Alonso received the Cross of Professional Merit of the Municipal Police of Madrid, in recognition of its constant and fluid cooperation with the Police, Municipalities and urban areas, and especially with the Municipal Police, the Town Council and the citizens of Madrid

Gold Medal to Professional Merit bestowed to professor Luis Montoro.

March, 2014


Last 6 March, the Gold Medal with a red emblem for Professional Merit,was bestowed  by the Labour Sciences and Industrial Relations General Committee to professor Luis Montoro, full university professor in Road Safety and director of FACTHUM.lab, an INTRAS (University Research Institute on Traffic and Road Service) research group.

Premis Prever 2010

Decembre, 2010


El passat cap de setmana, es va celebrar a Granada els Premis Nacionals i Internacionals de Prevenció de Riscos Laborals Prever 2010, que des de fa dotze anys organitza el Consell General de Relacions Industrials i Ciències del Treball i que enguany ha comptat amb la col·laboració de l'Ajuntament de Granada. El professor D.Luis Montoro Gonzalez ha rebut el Premi Nacional de Prevenció de riscos laborals, servicis especials "Prever 2010".

"Cooperation University-Society" Award

May, 1997


Our director, Luis Montoro, has received the award that the Board of Trustees of the University of Valencia gives to the “Cooperation University-Society”, in the category of Applied Research, in recognition to the work developed in the field of Social Sciences.