Dansa València and the Universitat de València join forces in support of local creation

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • February 18th, 2022
Antes Collado. Zoo. Foto Tristán Pérez-Martín.
Antes Collado. Zoo. Foto Tristán Pérez-Martín.

Scenic creation requires professional spaces to test, improve and perfect. It is in a room equipped for dance and assisted by technicians that local companies and artists can make a difference in their proposals. Aware of this need, Dansa València has reached a collaboration agreement with the Culture Vice-principal of the Universitat de València, through its Performing Art Club, to start up six stays between September and October.

The programme, aimed to creators and companies from the Comunitat Valenciana, will consist of two modalities: research and creation stays, which will take place in the Aula de Danza of the former faculty of Education and are aimed at developing creative processes; and technical stays, which will take place in the Sala Matilde Salvador and will accommodate both advanced production processes of a show and the revision of already premiered pieces.

Each of the stays will be supported financially. The stay will end with an open exhibition of the creation process. The call conditions will be available on the Dansa València website in the weeks following the end of the festival.

“With these stays, Dansa València expand the places of “trial and error” so essential in any artistic research process. We want to support and accompany the development of local creation and allow artist to work calmly and in the right spaces. This interest is shared by the Culture Vice-principal of the Universitat de València and comes to expand the training and exhibition activities that are offered during the year from its Performing Art Club”, explains the director of Dansa València, María José Mora.

A preview in February

The initiative has already started in the former faculty of Education with three authors who will be programmed in Dansa València, scheduled from 2nd to 10th April. Lucía Montes & Mado Dallery, Dansa València Prize’s winners at the Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid, are working on their dance duet “In-Side”, while Antes Collado is rehearsing the piece “Zoo!”.

“During these days we have taken the opportunity to perfect the details of the choreography. We realied that by focusing on the already created work, we could think of other ways of transmitting the concerns and values that we want to develop in our dance, so this stay has allowed us to investigate a future project that will be related to what we are already working on”, say Lucía and Mado.

Antes Collado previously presented his work “Zoo!” in July at the Grec Festival in Barcelona. The work raises the borderline between the animal and the human. The creator from Albacete feels that his proposal is not closed “at the construction level”, so that the stay in Valencia is proving “enriching and crucial for discovering new materials both choreography and scenography, in the work with the body and objects”.

The three creators will complete their bonds with Dansa València with two workshops for dance students at the Conservatori Prodessional. On 14th February it was the turn of Lucía Montes & Mado Dallery, who shared tools from their creative process in the workshop “Movimiento desde IN-SIDE”.

On 28th October, Antes Collado will reconnect with his past in the workshop “Menea la pelvis y sonríe”, where he proposes the technical deconstruction of competitive ballroom dancing. The artist competed a decade ago in the Comunitat Valenciana in this dance modality. Now he has taken up samba and chachachá and he is in a very initial process of investigation to deactivate their logics. “It is an extra-codified dance subject to many rules”. My intention is to deconstruct its concepts and stylem where virtuosity leads to the most extreme expression of the body”, Collado announces.