The Universitat holds the recognition event for the winning students of the UV Olympics 2022

  • Office of the Principal
  • June 27th, 2022

More than 1,500 students from 370 educative centres of the Province of València have participated in the UV Olympics of the academic year 2021-2022, which included the following disciplines: biology, classical studies, philology, physics, geography, geology, history, art history, mathematics, chemistry, Valencian and, for the first time in the Universitat de València, computer science.

The event was held on Thursday, June 23rd, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the Universitat de València. It was chaired by the principal of the Universitat de València, M. Vicenta Mestre; the Vice-Principal for Studies, Isabel Vázquez, and the delegate for University Integration, M. José Lorente, who were in charge of giving the diplomas and credentials.

A total of 69 students of the Province of València obtained the recognition for having won in any of the 13 Olympics carried out by the Universitat de València in the 2021-2022 edition.

The dean of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, Mª Carmen Baño Aracil; the dean of the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication, Amparo Ricós Vidal; the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Rosa Mª Bo Bonet; the dean of the Faculty of Economics, Francisco Muñoz Murgui; the dean of the Faculty of Geography and History, Josep Montesinos i Martínez, and the director of the School of Engineering, José Rafael Magdalena Benedicto, attended the event.

The Biology Olympics celebrated its XIX edition. Among the 205 students that participated in the Olympics, Megna Zhou, Nerea Ortolà Tomàs, Hanan Ettoukoki Benhaddou, Nuria Olaso Cerveró, Carlos Hernández Soriano, Manuel López Gisbert, Ismael Rodrigo Puerto, Amanda Ruiz García, Carme Esteban i de Jesús-María and Pablo Ramón Ten Rodríguez were the winners. The Biology coordinators were professors Raquel Ortells and Lluis Pascual.

Assenci Descals Llorente, Cristian Pitarch Cercós, Ignacio Pons Alegre, Fernando Antonio Prozco Gil, Alejandro González Gómez and Ainhoa E. Álvarez Vivanco were the winners of the XI edition of the Classical Studies Olympics among more than 70 participants. Jordi Sanchis and Lluis Pomer were their coordinators.

The winners of the XIX edition of the Economics Olympics were Pablo de la Cámara Sahuquillo, Carla Ruiz Belda, Salma Fares Tolosa, Ramón Llopis Iborra, Joaquín Arguedas Pérez, Pepe Benedito Carbonell, José Miguel Hernández Sánchez, Natalia Vento Badía, Vanesa Moldovan and Joel Soler Roca, who prevailed over more than 260 participants. This Olympics was coordinated by Amparo Gimeno.

As for the Philosophy Olympics, coordinated by professor Elena Cantarino Suñer in its XIV edition, 181 students participated and Noelia Aigrot López, Joana Gisbert Artero and Candela Gimeno Perosanz were the three winners.

Chantal Ferrer Roca was the coordinator of the XXXIII edition of the Physics Olympics, who awarded Nicolás Isarte Tarazón, Sergio Garrido Bourkhaeva, Pablo Faus Faus, Joel Parra Sánchez, Felipe Campos Aprigio and Mateo Miguel Tabernero Fuentes.

On the other hand, Diego Ruiz Lorente, Marc Rosaleny Navarro and Álvaro Rodrigo Fernández stood out over the 75 students that participated in the XIII edition of the Geography Olympics, coordinated by Alejandro Pérez Cueva. In the XIII edition of the Geology Olympics, Daniela Ramiro Patinyo, Natalia Salvador Martín, Pablo Ramón Ten Rodríguez and Nuria Torrubia Villalba were the winners, coordinated by Ignacio Valenzuela, Miguel V. Pardo and Vicenta Vidal.

The VIII edition of the History Olympics and the III edition of the History of Art Olympics received 85 participants each. The winners were Raimon Bono Pedralva, Nerea Astruells Algarra and Carles León García in the first Olympics, and Cristian Pitarch Cercós, Ignacio Pons Alegre and Eva Romero Blasco in the second one. Their coordinators were Marta García Carrión and Yolanda Gil Saura.

Darío Martínez Ramírez, Alexandru Andrei Tudor and Daniel Nieto Pérez were the winners of the first edition of the Computer Science Olympics held in the Universitat de València, in which Francisco Grimaldo Moreno was the coordinator.

The oldest Olympics, the Mathematics Olympics, celebrated its LVII edition. Among the 120 participants, Darío Martínez Ramírez, Jordi Herrero Martínez, Mateo Miguel Tabernero Fuentes, Pablo Faus Faus, Nicolás Marenciano Esteve and Nicolás Iserte Tarazón were proclaimed as winners. The coordinator was Domingo García Rodríguez.

Carles Ardid Herrero, Miguel Ángel Galindo Jiménez, Jorge Bonifaz Heredia, Pablo Faus Faus, Mauro Sánchez Trilles and Nicolás Iserte Tarazón were the winners of the XXXV edition of the Chemistry Olympics, of which Juan José Borrás Almenar was the coordinator.

Finally, in the XI edition of the Valencian Olympics, coordinator Emili Casanova Herrero recognised Pablo Faus Faus, Joan Pascual Ribes, Marc Chirona Pla, Sergio Barberà Salvador, Yaiza Torres Cavero and María Sánchez Lacasa as winners.

In her intervention, the principal of the Universitat de València, M. Vicenta Mestre, wanted to congratulate the winning students for their work and dedication to an activity like the Olympics of the UV, values that will allow them to achieve whatever they want to. Furthermore, she wanted to thank the joint work of the coordinators of the Olympics and the professors of the educative centres for making another edition of the Olympics possible and a reality.