The principal of the Universitat de València presents the awards for the university contest GREEN IDEA 2014

The Universitat de València, within the actions developed through the Sustainable Campus Programme, has awarded the best ideas presented by students and professors which help to promote improvement actions within our campuses. The awards have been presented by Esteban Morcillo, Principal of the Universitat de València.

The Green Idea contest is an activity managed by the Policies for Excellence Office in the context of the Sustainable Campus Programme of the Universitat de València. This is a framework programme which defines, with the horizon of 2015 and within the context of institutional strategy, its own policy and coordinated management principles to contribute to sustainability from all areas that characterize the university: training, research, self-management and relations with the society of which we are part. All this in order to develop a sustainable and healthy campus and encourage social and university commitment and participation.

In this context, the Universitat de València announced on July the GREEN IDEA 2014 contest addressed to the university community and with the aim to reward the best ideas to help raise awareness of our responsibility to the environment and sustainable development.

Of the 47 proposals submitted, 54’1% are from students. The jury of the GREEN IDEA 2014 contest is headed by the Vice-principal for Sustainability and Planning, Clara Martínez Fuentes, and composed of members of the Universitat de València and the Science Park Foundation. They have resolved to award, in each of the contest categories, the following candidates for these projects:

  • Category: Education and awareness for sustainability. “Green Decision” by Miguel Ángel Ballester Granell. This project proposes a system of information posters and ECO-points to raise awareness on environmentally-friendly decisions and to foster good habits.
  • Category: Energy efficiency and consumption management. “Implementation of a centralised system for the delivery and recovery of chemicals to the research laboratories of the Universitat de València”, by Álvaro Martínez Camarena. The project proposes to implement a centralized system for the purchase of laboratory equipment and the processing of unused material and waste created.
  • Category: Waste management. “Fertilise your centre” by Daniel Ortolà Marí. The project aims to increase the number of existing recycling containers and incorporate a composter to create fertilizers on campus.
  • Category: Sustainable mobility. “Car-pooling in the UV”, by Juan José Martínez Durá. The project proposes the implementation of a car sharing system that reduces the number of trips by private car to members of the university community. 
  • Category: Sustainable feeding. “University urban garden”, by Javier García Gómez. The project proposes the creation of organic gardens in the campuses of the Universitat de València.

The proposals, endowed with €600, are part of a broader initiative entitled “Sustainable Campus Network” led by the Sustainable Campus of the Universitat de València. This is a network involving several European universities  and funded by Climate-KIC, which aims to develop and promote new products and services based on sustainability, by using university campuses as models and testing grounds of innovations that can be replicable and exportable to other urban and social contexts.

Last update: 27 de november de 2014 13:13.

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