La Nau dels Xiquets i les Xiquetes supports, for another year, the Global Campaign for Education with the selling of fair trade T-shirts.

Diseño de las camisetas de La Nau de les Xiquetes i els Xiquets 2014.

La Nau dels Xiquets i les Xiquetes bets again for the initiative started in 2012 in support of responsible consumption. Hence, the public has been disposed with the t-shirts of the current edition, made under fair trade skills using as a raw material the organic cotton of 100%. The benefits of its sell will be destined the Global Campaign for Education

The Global Campaign for Education is an international coalition formed by ONGs, educative trade unions, the scholar centers and social movements, claiming the compliment of the international community compromise in the Dakar Encounter, celebrated in 2000. This compromise consists on ensuring the access to a qualified education system for everyone, before 2015.

In the Spanish case, the coalition of the Global Campaign for Education is formed by Ayuda en Acción (Help in Action), Educación Sin Fronteras (Education Without Frontiers) and Entreculturas (Inter-cultures), who assumes the group coordination.

Their main objectives are ensuring that all children enjoy a full period of primary education and remove the gender disparity in primary and secondary teachings.

La Nau dels Xiquets i les Xiquetes cooperates with these actions by selling T-shirts, printed by Promueve Solidaridad (Promotes Solidarity) and made in its 100% by organic cotton, under fair trade principles, promoting, hence, responsible consumption among future university students.
The T-shirts can beacquired, both in child size and adult size, into the two buildings for the Summer School, placed in the Physics School, in the Campus Burjassot-Paterna, and into the Aulari Oest of the Tarongers Campus; and from September on, in the shops of La Tenda de la Universitat (The University Shop). It costs 10 euros.


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Last update: 18 de july de 2014 14:19.

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