The Clinics Network of the Universitat opens a new Speech Language Pathology centre

The authorities visiting the Speech Language Pathology in its inauguration.

The Clinics Network of the Universitat de València has inaugurated a new centre, the Speech Language Pathology Centre, that opened its doors last 27 April. Managed by the Lluís Alcantís Goundation, this Clinic has the most advanced technology in the area of speech language pathologies for the treatment of voice, talk and language disorders.

The facilities of the Speech Language Pathology Clinic, located at the c/Menéndez Pelayo s/n in Valencia (entrance in Aulari I), are adapted for people with functional diversity and and soundproof.  In respect of the equipment, it has resources, such as the surface electromyography, the electrostimulation or evaluation and voice rehabilitation like Kayelectrics corporation or vocalab.

The assistance services offered to the public have, generally, a very positive reception. These are given by professionals with wide experience and thanks to it there is no shortage of people for the practise. In addition to the direct practises, thanks to the visualization of clinic sessions (through interconnected screens), students can learn from professionals, visualizing all that happens in the clinic offices. The services and all the information related to the Clinic can be found here:

This new Clinic of the Universitat de València is managed by the Lluís Alcanyís Foundation, a socio-health care foundation which manages the Clinics Network of the Universitat de València. All the clinics are fitted with special teaching equipment, specialized in the health area, in which  assistance and health teaching activities are developed, in order to improve the teaching processes of the students from the Universitat de València, as well as the research related to their activity area.

The opening ceremony of the new Speech Language Pathology Clinic was chaired by the principal of the Universitat de València, Esteban Morcillo, along with the vice-principal for Teaching Staff and Academic Planning  Comissions, Maria Vicente Mestre; the general director of the Luís Alcanyís Foundation, José Manuel Almerich; and the director of the Clinic, Vicent Rosell, among other authorities from the Faculty of Psychology and the Valencian Health Department.

Last update: 29 de april de 2016 15:13.

News release