News on employability, one hundred years of scholarships in the "Sant Joan de Ribera" Hall of Residence, and interviews with Joan F. Mira and Dolores Bargues... at InfoUniversitat

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Information about what is new in the occupation forum, one hundred years of scholarships for excellent students in the "Sant Joan de Ribera" Hall of Residence, and two interviews, one with the writer Juan F. Mira, honoured with the University of Valencia's medal; and another one with the full university professor Dolores Bargues, for her designation as responsible of the Spanish Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health... in this InfoUniversitat edition that is available by clicking here.

According to the site Infoempleo, eight out of ten companies search on the Internet the profile of the applicants. And in this research, “it is not the same that Google stablishes which is the important information about you, that you by yourself choose how to define yourself and stablish what should be first seen about your profile and your networking”, warns Amalia López, community manager of the Servef, one of the companies who has supported the 6th Occupation Forum organised every year by the Professional Integration and Employment Guidance Watch Centre.

The "Sant Joan de Ribera" Hall of Residence, situated in the old castle of Burjassot, is a particular institution, the only one of its kind in Spain. All the students receive the scholarship and benefit from accommodation and full board during the university years thanks to the legacy of a rich heir who gave all her assets to facilitate the training of people with talent but with limited financial resources.

Writer, essayist, translator, anthropologist, activist, professor and founder of the Museo Valenciano de Etnología (Valencian Ethnology Museum). It is not easy to briefly summarise the intellectual career of Joan Francesc Mira (Valencia, 1939), and due to his professional and life career he receives now the University of Valencia's medal.

The full university professor of Parasitology María Dolores Bargues has been for one week leading the Spanish Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health (Semtsi), a team of five hundred associates where leadership positions in the multidisciplinary management of this medicine field can be found. After eighteen years of history in society and five presidents, this founding member takes over it now.

Last update: 2 de december de 2016 14:21.

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