The Master’s Degree in Banking Management of the UV, chosen as referent study programme by the European Committee

Facultat d'Economia.

The Master’s Degree in Banking Management of the UV has been selected as one of the ten study programmes with best work placements in the relations university-enterprise within its study field, according to a report coordinated by the University of Cardiff and by sponsored by the European Committee.

An exhaustive analysis on different aspects related to this Master’s has been made on the report: origins and goals, teaching staff and students profile, career, acknowledgements, as well as collaborations stablished with entities and organisms. The publication acknowledges the value of collaboration and co-operation between enterprises and universities, relationship considered to be beneficial in terms of education for the employability of this Master’s students. After analysing the strengthens of this specific training of this Master’s, the report appoints to the Master’s in Banking Management as a referent of the specialized training, with a curriculum permanently adapted to the changing needs of the bank sector.

<This report has supposed the acknowledgment to a broad professional career, as well as to the good work placements in the specialised training in the banking field, which has given place to the training of more than 600 highly qualified professionals>, points out Francisco Climent, professor of the department of Financial and Actuarial Economy of the UV, and director of the Master’s Degree in Banking Management since 2008.

Introduced in 1988, the Master’s is, on one hand, aimed at recent graduated students in the field of Business, Economics, Finances, Accounting, Actuary and Financial Sciences and, on the other hand, to professional whose aim is to recycling their education or active professionals with the intention of promoting within their entity. In the next academic year 2014-2015 the 27th edition of this Master’s will be presented. <This specialisation course raised with the aim of providing a specialised training in banking which did not exist at that time andwhich was demanded by the credit institutions.

This Master’s collaborates with entities and organisms which have included professionals to transfer their experiences to students through imparting seminars. El Banco de España (Spanish Bank), the Ministry of Economy, “Instituto Valenciano de Finanzas” (the Valencian Institute of Finances), Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (the Valencian Institute of Economic Research) or Bangor University are some examples of entities which have participated in every edition.

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Last update: 31 de july de 2014 07:43.

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