The Serenates Festival returns to La Nau's Cloister


From 24 June to 4 July will be the dates of the new edition of the Serenates Festival, organised jointly by the University of Valencia and the Generalitat CulturArts Music Branch. The festival, which began in the 80s with the idea of ​​using the Cloister of the Cultural Centre La Nau as a framework to provide the Valencian public with a summer music festival, incorporates important developments in this edition.


The program has been presented at La Nau, with the presence of Antonio Arino, Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality of the University of Valencia, Manuel Tomás, director of CulturArts; Cristóbal Grau, regional minister for Youth of Valencia, Ramon Reche, director of Banco Sabadell's Valencia and Castellon regional branches, and Carlos Mataix, representing the Cruzcampo Foundation of the Heineken group.

The Serenates Festival returns to the historic cloister of the University, after the rehabilitation work that forced last year's edition to move to the Centro del Carme, attended by over 2,500 people.
Moreover, new institutions have joined to support this festival: the city of Valencia, through its Youth Council, and private sponsors Banco Sabadell Foundation and Heineken. This festival, which becomes a platform for Valencian musicians and a choice of free culture for the public, involved about 200 young students in its own production of "The Rite of Spring", by Stravinsky.

In terms of programming, it also increases the number of concerts, from six to nine over the previous issue, with proposals as interesting as the singer Maria del Mar Bonet.

This festival, which began in the 80s to use the framework of the cloister of the historical building of the University to provide the Valencian public with a summer music festival with free admission, has become an alternative entertainment for thousands of people in each edition and an excellent platform to promote Valencian groups, online consolidated in this edition. Since the first calls over two decades ago, Serenades has been a resounding success with the public, and has sold out year after year, all available tickets.

The first two performances (Monday, 24 June and Tuesday 25 June) presents The Rite of Spring (Ballet) by Igor Stravinsky, celebrating in 2013 the centenary of the premiere. Participating in this production will be students from the Conservatory of Dance, School of Arts and Design (scenery, costumes and visual), IES El Cabanyal (hairdresser and characterization) as well as the Philharmonic Orchestra University of Valencia. The artistic direction of the show will be provided by Berti tone and musical direction by Hilari Garcia. In creating this show have collaborated about 200 higher-level students of all branches of art, coordinated by their teachers with the artistic direction, to offer a new production with a common artistic goal and training.

On Thursday, 27 June, singer Maria del Mar Bonet will offer a special concert to mark the presentation of the Medal of the University of Valencia, where she will interpret the programme Fira Encesa with a selection of poems converted to music by Bartomeu Rosselló-Porce.


On Friday, 28 June, will play the Ministrers Capella group, led by Carles Magraner with the Amores e cansó program that will offer a tour of the songs of the troubadours of the Crown of Aragon in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

On Saturday 29 will perform the Philharmonic Orchestra of the University of Valencia, but with the camera section, under the baton of Hilari Garcia. The performance will be dedicated to string concerts of European Baroque schools.

On Sunday 30, the Valencia University Chorus, directed by Francesc Valldecabres, will present a concert of a cappella choral music with a varied program ranging from sixteenth-century polyphony to the latest music.

On Monday July 1, soprano Erika Escribá Astaburuaga and pianist Carlos Apellániz will present a recital of opera from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries.

On Wednesday July 3, will perform the Instrumental Group, led by Joan Cervero, with the interpretation of Minimal & theater music program, which includes a selection of pieces composed by Joan Cervero.

On July 4, Thursday, the closing of the Festival will be by the Generalitat Valenciana Choir, under the direction of Francesc Perales. The choir, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary, will perform a concert of a cappella music with the heading "From Vienna to the West."

All concerts start at 22:30. Admission is free with invitation, you can get them one hour before the concert at La Nau.


Last update: 21 de may de 2013 12:00.

News release