‘Trio’ by Rodolf Sirera in the Rialto Theatre

Directed by: Rebeca Valls and Edison Valls

With Diego Braguinsky, Vanessa Cano and Héctor Fuster

50% discount on the price of the tickets with the university card (also applicable to one companion).

A funny, cynical comedy that is all about a difficult cohabitation between two actors during a hard time, who will sacrifice any principle to reach their goals and also about a young aspiring actress that has a manipulating, selfish attitude.

Oscar is a middle-aged actor that takes his friend David in his place. David is also an actor but he is recently unemployed. The odd cohabitation between these two characters is kind of a tug of war between Óscars’ lucidity and practical intelligence and David’s loose, free spirit. It is interrupted and disrupted by the appearance of Micky, a much more cunning and younger woman than them that will deliberately command those moments of peak and misery they share until the relationship turns into an imperfect trio.

  • 9 february 2017 at 20:30 to 22:00. Thursday.
  • From 9 february 2017 to 26 february 2017. Wednesday, thursday and sunday at 19:00 to 20:30.
  • From 9 february 2017 to 26 february 2017. Friday and saturday at 20:30 to 22:00.

Teatre Rialto, plaça de l'Ajuntament, núm. 17, València

Organized by

Generalitat Valenciana i CulturArts

Colabora: Servei de Política Lingüística

Generalitat Valenciana and CulturArts

In collaboration with: Servei de Política Lingüística.



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