Concreta 04 Presentation in La Nau



18:00. Concreta 04 Presentation (Autumn 2014)

-Nuria Enguita Mayo and Laura Vallés, editors and co-founders of the Journal Concreat

18:20- Presentation of the book by the artist Esperpento.

-Iñigo Royo, artist.

18:40. –Presentation of the film The Forgotten Space, 2010, by Allan Sekula and Nöel Burch.

-Carles Guerra, artist, critic and independent curator

19:00. –Screening of the film The Forgotten Space, 2010, by Allan Sekula and Nöel Burch.


Date 21 november 2014 at 18:00 to 21:00. Friday.


Aula Magna. La Nau, Centre Cultural de la Universitat de València (c/ Universitat, 2).

Organized by

Concreta Journal and the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality of the UV




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