Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

María Santos-Sainz gives a conference about the journalist facet of Albert Camus

Albert Camus

On Wednesday, 22 February, María Santos-Sainz presents her research about Albert Camus, the journalist. The event will take place at 12h in aula 401 of the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication. The author has recovered the journalist facet of Camus by an initiative of crowdfunding. Her work reviews the writer’s career from his beginnings as a reporter in Alger to his work as a leader writer in Paris.

The journalist and professor of the School of Journalism Bordeaux Aquitaine de l’Université Michel de Montaigne gives a conference in the Universitat de València to launch her book called ‘Albert Camus, periodista. De reportero en Argel a editorialista en Paris’. This is a work funded by crowdfunding.

The main objective of this book is to get back the persona of Camus, the journalist. The committed and research journalist, a model for people in the profession and master of journalists beside Kapuscinsky, Chaves Nogueres and Oteyza.

The book reviews his career from his beginnings as a reporter in Alger to his work as a leader writer in Paris. From his serie of reports about the poverty in Cabilia to bitting leaders in favour of democracy and peace in Alger Républicain and Soir Republicain (between 1938 and 1940), and in Combat, during the World War and the first years of postwar.

Maria Santos-Sainz
María Santos-Sainz, is a doctor in Information Sciences by the Complutense University of Madrid. She is an associate professor of Journalism in the School of Journalism Bordeaux Aquitaine of Bordeaux Montaigne University in Bordeus, and she has also managed the school from 2006 to 2012.

Before teaching, she was editor in the Culture section and in the supplements ‘Cultures’ and ‘Llibres’ of the newspaper Diario 16. Furthermore, she was the editor in chief of the journal Españoles en el Mundo.


Last update: 21 de february de 2017 09:21.

News release