Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.
2nd Congress on Landscape, Tourism and Innovation

Online registration is now available.

The Universitat de Universitat de València organises the 2nd Congress on Landscape, Tourism and Innovation, which has as central theme “STRATEGIES FOR VALENCIAN TERRITORIAL TOURISTIC DEVELOPMENT”, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation and the Valencian Tourism Agency of the Valencian Government, within the framework of the Collaboration Agreement signed by both entities with the objective of promoting research and innovation in Valencian tourism industry.

This Congress, in its second edition, aims to visualise and communicate the different experiences, actions and touristic products that are being originated from the different Tourism Promotion and Governance Plans throughout the Valencian Community, and to foster the creation of a network among all the actors involved in these plans - local administration, entrepreneurs, university - with the aim of promoting collaboration from each one’s perspective, given the transversal nature of tourism.

It is a session for reflection in which the exchange and the dialogue will generate ideas, synergies and collaborative actions to improve the planning and management of the Valencian tourist offer as a whole, to increase the quality of touristic services and their adaptation to market evolution, to maintain and improve competitiveness and achieve a sustainable touristic development that guarantees the maximum contribution of this activity to the well-being of the Valencian society.


Date From 21 july 2017 to 11 september 2017. 24h. Every day.

  • 12 september 2017 at 10:00 to 19:00. Tuesday.

L'Alcúdia, Casa de la Cultura, calle Tirant lo Blanc, 1

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation and Valencian Tourism Agency, with the collaboration of the City Hall of L’Alcúdia.

