Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Intense week of activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Confucius Institute

Imatge de la cultura xinesa.

The Confucius Institute of the UV brings China within reach of all Valencian citizens. From 22 September to 27 September, and in different places of the city, this academic institution organises several cultural activities to celebrate the ‘Día del Instituto Confucio’ (Institute Confucius's Day) all over the world.

The first opening of a Confucius Institute in the world, in 2004, is commemorated during the last week of September. This year it celebrates its 10th anniversary. Activities will culminate on Saturday 27 September at the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum (CAC).

The Confucio Institute of the UV is an institution created with the aim of promoting the development of the education, Chinese language and culture. It also serves as an interface between Chinese and Valencian cultures and the citizens from both societies. And it fosters student exchanges with the Pedagogic University of the Northeast of China with which our university is twinned. Since its opening in Valencia in 2007, the Confucius Institute was recognised, in their two first years, as one of the 20 best around the world. And in 2011 and 2012 it was recognised as one of the 30 best regarding the highest quality and their executive team’s initiative.

On the occasion of the opening of the first world Confucius Institute, a bunch of activities, free and open to all publics, have been programmed. The programming starts on Monday 22 at 18:30, with a performance of ‘Ceremonia tradicional y degustación de Té chino’ (Traditional ceremony and Chinese Tea tasting). It will take place in the El Corte Inglés of Nuevo Centro, building: Hogar y Supermercado. The tea, originating from China, symbolises a culture and a way of life which identifies to this millenary country and its citizens. Its consumption dates back to ancient times and requires a ritual that is still alive nowadays.

Activities will continue on Wednesday 24 with a gala event on traditional Chinese dancing which will be performed by a group of dance of the Universidad Sud-Central de las Nacionalidades. The gala event will take place at the Conference Centre at 18:30, and different types of popular dancing will be performed, both ancient and modern, and other of ethnic diversity. It is a performance suitable for all and its entrance will be free until full capacity is reached. On Thursday 25 September at 20:00 in the Botanical Garden of teh UV, the lecture “La Función y la conservación de la diversidad biológica” (The Function and the Conservation of the Biologic Diversity) will be delivered by the expert in Biodiversity Wang Deli. Professor Wang teaches at the Pedagogic University of the Northeast of China and has several national projects of a great importance, with a large scientific production in his field of study.

The main celebration of the ‘Confuncio Institute’s Day’, will be held on Saturday 27 and will start at 11:00, in the forecourt of the ‘Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias’ with the traditional Chinese parade. This parade will be led by the Chinese Dragon, with the ball of the lion and the dragon, and several Taji groups will join the parade as well such as Wushu, martial arts, and groups bedecked in the traditional costumes of Chinese minorities. At 17:00 in the evening, a second parade will be carried out for those who have not been able to attend the one held in the morning.
Throughout the day, workshops and children’s activities will make the Chinese great wealth and cultural diversity available to the public, with exhibitions on calligraphy, Chinese chess (Xiàngqí), tea tastings, artistic exhibitions, marionettes or an exhibition of books and magazines published by the Confucius Institute of the UV. Activities will carry on with a programming addressed at children, in where children may enjoy with the marionette show “Yeh Shen. La Cenicienta China” (Yeh Shen. The Chinese Cinderella), directed by Claudia Verdecchia and that will be staged at the Santiago Grisolía Hall of the Sciences Museum, at 12:00 in first session and at 18:00 in second session. Dragons, music and magic will show to the smaller ones the fascinating history of the origin of all Cinderellas of the world.

This day’s activities will be completed with the phenolic photography exhibition ‘21 días en Beijing’ (21 Days in Beijing), run by Lola Barcia and Marinela Forcadell. The exhibition consists on a series of images which have been taken following the steps of Mo-Ti, a Chinese philosopher (5th or 6th century B.C) who was the first one in describing the optical phenomenon of the formation of reflected image. A finding from which sciences like optics, astronomy, perspective, photography and cinema will be developed. The project discovers, through the objective of the traditional ‘camera obscura’ made up with tins, a trip over time. Skyscraper, historical buildings, hutongs (typical Chinese houses) and neighbourhoods with humble houses and business where kind people cohabitate are taken photos through ‘foolatas’ (camera lens made up with tins). It involves a technique based on the principle of the creation of images through luminous sources.

All this set of activities of The Confucius Institute of the UV favours cultural exchange through self-reflection and dialogue between cultures. One of the initiatives of the Confucius Institute is based on the diversification of educational models and in the quest for technological solutions which facilitate the learning of the Chinese language. Since its foundation in Valencia in 2007, 3,000 students have attended the Confucius Institute and the number is growing. The last sessions held on official Chinese exams gathered around 800 candidates, out of 1,200 of those students attending the course, 400 are children.

Last update: 23 de september de 2014 10:54.

News release