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La Nau projects “Adéu, Amèrica”, the second Info TV documentary on the emigration of 15.000 Valencians into the United States.

One of the documentary frames.

The screening of the documentary “Adéu, América”, will take place on Tuesday, 6 October, at 19:00 in the Aula Magna of La Nau Cultural Centre. This is the second chapter of the series “Del Montgó a Manhattan”. “Valencians a Nova York”, an InfoTV production on the emigrations of 15.000 men and women to the United States and Canada from the regions of La Marina and La Safor, during the beginnings of the XX century.

There are two more documentaries, “La Guerra de Sempre” and “Els Valencians d’Amèrica”, still in post-production, which will close the Series before the end of the year.

The first film of the series, “Cap a la terra promesa”, narrates the emigrants reasons to leave, their journey, their jobs and how did the adapt in such a different world. The second one explains, especially, how the 1921 and 1929 economic crisis cause the return home of those people because of the lack of money and work. 

However, America changed forever the lives of the lucky ones that could work enough time to earn money and change their mentality. It is true that those people were not rich when they return but with the money they saved, they bought houses and lands. Thus they could break their low day’s wage dependence payed by the lords.  And, filled with the modernity that surrounded them in the United States, they bring it back here gradually inculcating these modernity into their children and villages.  

The second documentary lasts 56 minutes and, like the rest of the series, it is signed by the journalist Juli Esteve, as scriptwriter and director, and by Esther Albert and Antoni Arnau, as responsible for image, edition and postproduction.

The second documentary lasts 56 minutes and, like the rest of the series, it is signed by the journalist Juli Esteve, as scriptwriter and director, and by Esther Albert and Antoni Arnau, as responsible for image, edition and postproduction.

The Universidad de Valencia is one of the sponsors of the previous research and of the subsequent audio-visual production, together with the Institut d’Estudis Comarcals de la Marina Alta, Valencian Council, Universitat d’Alacant, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua and 38 town councils from la Marina, la Safor, el Comtat, la Vall d’Albaida, la Ribera and la Plana.



Last update: 5 de october de 2015 10:51.

News release