Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Presented the initiative about solidarity cooperation for PDI (teaching and research staff) and PAS (Administrative and Service Staff) of the Universitat de València

Cartel de la I Setmana de la Cooperación de la Universitat de València.

The First Development Cooperation Week of this Wednesday has taken place in the Faculty of Social Sciences (Tarongers Campus) and has hosted, among others activities, a lecture of Ximo García Roca, expert on international voluntary work and development cooperation. In this context, it has been presented the initiative about solidarity cooperation for PDI (teaching and research staff) and PAS (Administrative and Service Staff) of the Universitat de València.

According to José Miguel Soriano, delegate for the Principal for Cooperation, “the objective is to coordinate the initiative of all professionals of the Universitat de València with the programmes, resources and initiatives which UV has in the area of cooperation development”.

For his part, Ximo García Roca has pointed out that “this voluntary work has to establish some critical and alternative ways of development, based on people and towns development, their dignity and their rights”. In this way, this voluntary work of teaching, researchers and services staff of the Universitat de València has the challenge of commit to a collaborative, connecting and networking work, far from assistance factors and the called “development aid” he added.

Soriano has also explained that there are a lot of resources set in for this voluntary work and that the objective is to create the accurate working area to solve all demands of this university voluntary work.


Launch of E-DHC magazine

For his part, Joan Lacomba, UV lecturer, has launched E-DHC, Quaderns Eletrònics sobre el Desenvolupament Humà i la Cooperació magazine, published by UNESCO Chair of Development Studies of the Universitat de València and Patronat Sud-Nord.

This E-DHC magazine, managed by Joan Lacomba, pretends to be the transverse encouragement for all academic disciplines with the aim to approach research from a human and sustainable point of view. With two issues published, this new magazine talks about the spreading of research in human development cooperation through the newest contributions of some experts on the subject and the most interesting works of young researchers. It is a way of “contribute to a better undestanding about complexity of the development processes and cooperation actions” Lacomba has explained.

Publication access 


0,7 around the world

The First University Development Cooperation Week is the framework where the exhibition “Universidad Solidaria. Cooperación de la Universitat de València” (Solidarity University. Cooperation of the Universitat de València) have been presented. This exhibition takes place in the Aulario Interfacultativo of the Faculty of Pharmacy (Burjassot-Paterna Campus). This exhibition shows a selection of cooperation projects carried out through Programme 0,7.

During the opening ceremony, Guillermo Palao, Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation of the Universitat de València, and José Miguel Soriano, delegate for the Principal for Cooperation, opened the exhibition.

With twenty exhibiton panels, this exhibition shows some development cooperation projects carrried out in different countries all around the world: El Salvador, Cuba, Tunisia, Nicaragua, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Ghana, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Sierra Leone.

Around thirty development cooperation initiatives and projects are presented, managed by PDI (Teaching and research staff) and PAS (administrative and service staff) as well as students of the Universitat de València, which have benefitted more than 80,000 people and, indirectly, more than 4,400,000, thanks to 0,7% provided by the Universitat de València and its community for human development in the world. 

In this exhibition there are specialized projects related to health; technical formation and training, university and school education; social services, equality, human rights, democratic participation; biodiversity and environment; rural development; resource protection; handcrafted industry; historical, artistic and arqueological heritage and nutrition and food security.

“Programme 0,7 of the Universitat de València works accoding to two ways: On the one hand, UV allocates a 0,7% of its budget to projects and actions of development cooperation, and, on the other hand, students, PAS and PDI can allocate, voluntarily, a 0,7% of their enrollment fees or salaries. Precisely, the aim of this exhibition is to show the work done by the Cooperation of the Universitat de València through Programme 0,7 and, at the same time, give an explanation to university community, which have to take ownership of the results of their contributions” Vice-Principal Guillermo Palao pointed out.

For his part, Jose Miguel Soriano talked about all activities of this week: “Cooperation Week has been organised with the objective to pass on to university community all works, related with cooperation, which are realised by the Universitat de València. The essential idea has been to organise activities and practical workshop for spreading: we present a selection of projects of Programme 0,7, E-DHC electronic magazine, La Nau Solidària collection, First “Lluís Vives” Awards and the approach of a new voluntary work programme for PDI (teaching and research staff) and PAS (Administrative and Service Staff), among other”.


Practical Workshops

Three practical workshops complete this programme of the first week of university cooperation. The first one, about Antropometría en cooperación al desarrollo y ayuda humanitaria (Anthropometry in development cooperation and humanitarian aid) took place last Tuesday in the Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Pharmacy. María Dolores Marrodán and María Dolores Cabañas, directors of EPINUT-UCM Research Group, and Amador Gómez, technical director of the NGDO Action Against Hunger Spain, participated as speakers. With a practical session, speakers, along with all participants, went through the current criteria providing with new anthropometric values. 

The second workshop, entitled La importancia de la cooperación en la población infantil (The importance of cooperation in child population), has taken place today, Wednesday. The first part has been given by Carlos Gómez García, who has explained the Wilka Project, and the second by María Alcantud, lecturer of the Universitat de València and director of the cooperation project “Cuentos alrededor del Mundo” (Tales around the world) and Juan Merín, director of VOCES Foundation, who have talked about the project of the NGDO Voces para la conciencia y el desarrollo. These three projects are focused on childhood education.

The last workshop Planificación de la acción humanitaria en el sector de la salud (Humanitarian aid planification in health area) will close this series, next 18 December at 16:00, in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (Blasco Ibañez Campus) which will be chaired by Ricardo Angora of the Humanitarian Action Organization Doctors of the World. It is a fundamental session to know closely all predictions and protocols which support health measures in conflicted areas and environmental disasters.

Workshops’ registration is completely free and you can do it on the web Registered people will get a certification of UNESCO Chair of Development Studies of the Universitat de València.

The rest of activities are open and completely free admission. 

Organised by: 1st University Development Cooperation Week of the Universitat de València, the Office of the Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation, Delegate for Cooperation and Patronat Sud-Nord, with the support of UNESCO Chair of Development Studies and UV General Foundation. Collaborate: SeDi Information and Promotion Service, International Relations and Cooperation Service, Observatorio del Refugio (Monitoring centre for Shelter) and Observatorio de Nutrición y Seguridad Alimentaria para el Mundo en Desarrollo (Monitoring centre for Nutrition and Food Security for a Developing World).

+Info about conferences and programme

Programme 0,7

Esteban Morcillo, UV Principal, Guillermo Palao, Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation, and José Miguel Soriano, delegate for the principal for Cooperation, have attended the opening ceremony which took place last Monday, 15 December.

During his speech, Esteban Morcillo, Principal of the Universitat de València, has pointed out that “public universities are a benchmark to all society and even more in an important view like this one. Our commitment with solidarity can only grow and get involved all university community”.

This event hosted the opening of the exhibition “El 0,7 y la cooperación al desarrollo de la Universitat de València en tus manos” (0,7 and UV’s development cooperation in your hands) which will be shown in the superior hall of the Office of the Principal during the whole week. This exhibition shows, along twenty-six exhibition panels, all programmes, announcements and resources of the Universitat de València related to development cooperation at students’ disposal, managed by several units. 

During this first event day, it took place several activities of this First Cooperation Week. Sergi Farré, head of Department for University and Scientific Cooperation of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), offered an opening speech, which talked about the challenges of university and scientific developement cooperation in Spanish agenda after 2015.

For his part, José Miguel Soriano, delegate of the principal for Development Cooperation of the Universitat de València and president of Patronat Sud-Nord, presented the editoral collection La Nau Solidària, focused on essays or research works about human development and aid, with fifteen titles published by the Patronat Sud-Nord and Publications of the Universitat de València (PUV) since 2001. 


First “Lluís Vives” Cooperation Projects Awards

Guillermo Palao, Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation, attended the presentation of the “Lluís Vives” Cooperation Projects Awards. With these awards, the Universitat de València aims to show to university community and Valencian society the cooperative and solidarity spirit of all its members. Every year tens of solidarity and development cooperation initatives are carried out by teaching, administration and services staff. It is all about technical, awareness and education cooperation projects for development, where students stress their solidarity in support of countries structurally impoverished or they carry out initiatives to spread values more appropiates with humain behaviour to achieve a society more fair, sustainable, peaceful and without poverty.

These awards bear the name of Lluís Vives because of his thinker and humanist vocation to tackle and condemn poverty and jointly and severally deal with the inequalities taking the good management of public resources as a starting point.

This way, it will be awarded, in the category of cooperation projects and solidarity actions, a PAS (Adminstrative and Service Staff) and a PDI (teaching and research staff); and in the category of solidarity images, there will be an award for the best photography of one member of the Universitat de València and another one for a person who is not a member of this academic institution.


Last update: 12 de december de 2014 07:56.

News release