Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Professor Adela Cortina receives today in Seville the Victoria Kent Prize for her commitment with human value and ethical progress

Adela Cortina.

Professor Adela Cortina, full university professor of Ethics in the Universitat de València, receives today in Seville the Victoria Kent Prize, given by Fundación Cajasol and CEDIS Andalucía in recognition of the work and career of people committed with fundamental rights, human values and ethical and cultural progress.

This award is given during the second edition of Giner de los Ríos and Victoria Kent Prizes, which recognise in public the work and trajectory of people who are creative, dynamic and committed with participation and dedication to society, and with cultural, ethical, social and economic progress of Andalusia and Spain along their lives.

The full university professor of the Universitat de València Adela Cortina will receive the Victoria Kent, and Aurelio Arteta, Professor of the University of the Basque Country, the Giner de los Ríos Prize.

The prizes will be awarded in the Fundación Cajasol Headquarters, in Seville, this Thursday, 26 November, at 19:30, by the president of the Fundación Cajasol, Antonio Pulido, and the president of the CEDIS Andalucía, José Rodríguez de la Borbolla.

Adela Cortina was born in Valencia in 1947. She studied a degree in Philosophy and Humanities in the Universitat de València, and in 1976 she defended her doctoral thesis about ‘Dios en la filosofía trascendental kantiana’ (God in Kantian transcendental philosophy). 

A research grant allowed her to frequent the University of Munich, where she got in contact with critical rationalism, pragmatism and Marxist ethics, more specifically with Jürgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel. 

When she returned to academic activity in Spain, she directed her research interests towards ethics. In 1981 she joins the Department of Practical Philosophy of the Universitat de València.

In 1986, she obtained the Chair for Moral Philosophy. Her works are also focused on questions concerning economy, business, woman discrimination, war, ecology or genetics. 

With her work ‘Ética de la razón cordial’ (Ethics of Friendly Reason) she won the Jovellanos International Essay Prize 2007. She has also received the National Essay Prize 2014 for her book ‘¿Para qué sirve realmente la ética?’ (What is ethics really useful for?) The award, provided with 20,000, it is given by the Ministerio de Educación (Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports).

Adela Cortina was bestowed a Doctor ‘Honoris Causa’ by the University of Alcalá de Henares last September.


Last update: 26 de november de 2015 07:30.

News release