Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Ricard Martínez, from the Universitat de València, in the Working Group of the Ministry for Citizen’s Digital Rights

El ministre, amb els experts.

The Minister of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda, Álvaro Nadal, has presided over the first meeting of the Citizen’s Digital Rights Working Group this Tuesday. It will have the aim of opening the debate about rights and duties of the citizens in the digital environment. Ricard Martínez is one of the seven members of this working group. He is the director of the Privacy and Digital Transformation Chair of the Universitat de València.

It is planned that the group of experts will have periodically some meetings throughout 2017 with three basic tasks: to carry out a diagnosis about the current situation of the protection of the rights and duties of the citizens, to promote a neutral, transparent, open and informed debate about digital rights and to contribute to the European agenda in this subject.

The rest of the members of the group are José Luis Piñar, Tomás de la Quadra-Salcedo, Diego Naranjo, Miguel Pérez Subías, Christoph Steck and Ofelia Tejerina, recognised experts in the academic environment and civil society who will work the whole year to establish the basis for the future normative developments of these area in the executive and legislative branch.

Nowadays, within the European Union, these rights are being standardised in numerous legislative texts related to privacy and protection of data, the Digital Single Market, the regulation of the telecommunications field and the rights of the consumers on Internet. With this initiative, Spain is among the most developed countries in Europe in matters of citizen’s rights.

This group will address some issues of greatest concern for citizens in the digital environment. Some examples are the freedom of information and communication, privacy, intellectual property, the right to be forgotten, equality and law enforcement, among others.

Likewise, regarding the relationship between the digital world and democracy, experts will discuss about electronic management, transparency, participation, the reuse of public information and open data.

The upcoming milestone of the group will be the organisation of the International Congress about Citizen’s Digital Rights that will take place on 30 May at the Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid. It will gather the main national and international experts in this issue.

The Secretary of State for Information Society and Digital Agenda, José María Lassalle; the general director of, José Manuel Leceta; and the director of the National Observatory of the Telecommunications and Information Society, Jorge Pérez, coordinator of the group.

Last update: 29 de march de 2017 08:49.

News release