Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Spanish translator of ‘Game of Thrones’, in a congress in the Universitat

The Universitat de València celebrates from 27 to 29 April the International Congress of Specialised Translation ENTRETEXTOS. Organised by the Inter-university Institute for Applied Modern Languages -IULMA it will done in the University-Business Foundation. The meeting has the attendance of national and international specialists like Cristina Macía, Spainish translator of ‘Game of thrones’ or Pablo Muñoz a translator specialised in videogames localization.

In the meeting there are more than 130 participants of different places of the Spanish State and of the world (France, Germany, Canada, Gabon) and it has the participation of well-know specialists like Cristina Macía, the translator of ‘Game of thrones’ in Spain; Georges Basten, head of the ‘Méta’, the most important international journal of translation; the translator and  global authority Christiane Nord, and the specialists in videogames localization Pablo Muñoz. Moreover, there will be a section of posters allocated to translation students of the Universitat de València, with a selection of the best works.

The specialised translation has traditionally occupied of texts which have a specialised language, with a function more practical than aesthetics and allocated to a public or discursive community of experts or semi-experts (economic texts, legal texts , scientists texts, among others).   Lately, and for the evolution of the translation activity, the specialised translation is applied in a wide gamut of text even though they don’t use specialised languages, with areas like the editorial, the journalistic, the humanistic and the audio-visual. Finally, the digital age has supposed a great revolution in the context of research, the technologies of the translation and the profession, which make the specialised translation a field rich in offers and challenges which are important to debate. So, this meeting is presented as a spae for the dialog and the interchange of knowledge and experiences.

The topics will presents linguistics applied to translation; the specialised translation; the process and the products in specialised translation; new technologies and their applications to specialised translation; individual or collective experiences in specialised translation; and the profession of specialised translation now.

On the other hand, the students of translation has organised during the week the ENETI, which complements the congress ENTRETEXTOS.

13rd National Meeting of Translation and Interpreting Students in English

On the other hand, the students of the Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation of the Universitat has organised the National Meeting of Translation and Interpreting Students in English (ENETI) on 28 and 29 April.  The meeting, which complements the congress ENTRETEXTOS, shares some sessions  with the one organised by IULMA, like for example the session with specialists in translations into Spanish of Terry Pratchett, George R. R. Martin, Suzanne Collins or films like of Marvel and Star Wars, among others.

The ENETI is a meeting between students which is organised each year in a Spanish university.  Its objective is to approach the students to the professional world, to know partners of Spain, to share inquisitiveness and to learn.  During the days of the congress, more than 400 students will bring together in the Aula Magna at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. The topics of the speeches are literary translation, freelance taxation, videogames localization, audio-visual translation, health translation, legal translation, humour translation, research in translation, the correction and the interpreting.  The opening takes place on Thursday 28 April at 9:00.

Last update: 22 de april de 2016 13:16.

News release