Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Today, the Universitat de València pays tribute to Ernest Lluch

Ernest Lluch.

Today, 17th of November, the Faculty of Economics of the Universitat de València and the Ernest Lluch Foundation will hold some ceremonies in honour of Ernest Lluch, the economist, historian and politician murdered by ETA, the terrorist organization, in 2000. Enrique Barón, Ex-President of the European Parliament will offer his Guest Speech.

At 12 o’clock in the Sala Ignasi Villalonga, there will take place a ceremony presided by Esteban Morcillo, principal of the Universitat de València, and the participation of Vicent Soler, dean of the Faculty of Economics, and Salvador Almenar, president of the Valencian Branch of the Ernest Lluch Foundation.


Then, Enrique Barón, ex- President of the European Parliament will offer his Guest Speech entitled “El futuro de Europa”.


These ceremonies will finish with the placement of flowers and the interpretation of the “Cant dels Ocells”, played by Pere Joan Carrascosa, at the frontage of the Faculty of Economics on the street named by Ernest Lluch.


Last update: 17 de november de 2014 08:00.

News release