Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Universidad de València helds on the 5, 6 and 7 October the II Healthy Week.

Participants en la setmana saludable.

The Universitat de València organises the II Healthy Week along the 5 to the 7 October due to the celebration of the 7 October “Healthy Universities Day” The Office of the Vice-Principal for Sustainability and Infrastructures has prepared a programme of activities centred on the celebration of several workshops about: healthy lifestyles, cardiovascular risk, postural hygiene, responsible consumption and AIDS prevention, among others. The protagonists of these workshops will be the students of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Medicine and Human Nutrition and Dietetics. They will be in charge of explaining and informing about each one of the projects.

Healthy workshops and the rest of the initiatives of this programme will take place in areas of the three campus of the Universitat, Blasco Ibáñez, Taronjers and Burjassot-Paterna.


Today, 5th October, at the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and  Communication, the environmental voluntary students, will conduct the workshop “Responsible Consumption, Healthy Consumption”, in order to make visible the ecological impact that certain food produces from its point of origin to the supermarket. At the same time, students of Human Nutrition and Nursing will conduct activities for the determination of cardiovascular risk factors and will inform about different “nutrition an health” subjects at Burjassot-Paterna Campus, specifically at the School of Engineering.

Tuesday 6th, from 10h to 13h, at Blasco Ibáñez Campus, next to the Faculty of Geography and History, there will be established an information stand in order to address issues about Sexually transmitted diseases in collaboration with the Conselleria de Sanitat (Department of Health) and a second stand, with the participation of the students of the Faculty of Nursing, who will conduct the workshop “Educating on Health: Healthy Habits”.

At Tarongers Campus, students of Human Nutrition will inform about healthy habits and environmental volunteers will conduct their workshop. Environmental volunteers will explain and analyse some products with an innocent appearance in their workshop “Responsible Consumption”.

At Burjassot-Paterna Campus, in the Institutes, students of the Faculty of Physiotherapy will conduct several postural hygiene workshops (To be confirmed by the centre).

Finally, Wednesday 7th, the students of Human Nutrition will handle a stand at the Faculty of Pharmacy and throughout the morning in order to inform about “nutrition and health”. Environmental volunteering will inform about their activity.

From 10h to 13h, at Tarongers Campus and under the motto “Physical Activity and Health”, will take place the workshops “Physical Condition Test”, which will be conducted by the students of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Students of Nursing will conduct the workshop “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation” and once again, the information stand to deal with matters of sexual transmission in collaboration with the Conselleria de Sanitat (Department of Health).


Last update: 5 de october de 2015 07:42.

News release