Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Universitat d’Estiu of Gandia looks 30 years back through a new compilation book

From left to right: Vice-Principal Jorge Hermosilla; UEG’s former directors, Josep Montesinos, Isabel Morant and Joan del Alcàzar; and the current director of the Universitat d’Estiu, Emili Aura. Picture: Juantxo Ribes.

La Casa de la Marquesa was the place chosen for the presentation of the book ‘Universitat d’Estiu de Gandia. Més de tres dècades de coneixement, ciutadania i territori’, an event which took place this Wednesday during the 33rd UEG. Politicians, intellectuals and members of the academy related to the training project of the Universitat de València for years, together with the City Council of Gandia, have attended the event in the capital of La Safor.

Professor Josep Montesinos, who directed the UEG from 2012 to 2016, was in charge of presenting the compilation book which shows, through a selection of 200 pictures and 188 pages, the anecdotes, stories and experiences of hundreds of people (professors, professionals, recognised writers, politicians, members of the academy, etc.) who have experienced the Universitat d’Estiu of Gandia. The event has gathered many of them.

Montesinos was accompanied during the presentation by the mayoress of Gandia, Diana Morant; Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation of the Universitat de València, Jorge Hermosilla; professor Isabel Morant, Full University Professor in the Department of Modern History of the UV and former director of the UEG; and the current director of the Universitat d’Estiu, Emili Aura.

According to Josep Montesinos, this work shows “the activity and resistance” of three decades, a statement that evidences the political, economic and educational fluctuations in the last years, which have resulted in constant renovations and adaptations of the UEG to the reality of each period, maintaining its position and prestige in the educational and social levels. Not for nothing Conocimiento, Ciudadanía y Territorio (Knowledge, Citizenship and Territory) has been the motto of the Universitat.

Last update: 21 de july de 2016 08:55.

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