Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Universitat de València will celebrate Healthy Week with conferences and workshops

Cartell de la Setmana.

The Valencian network of Healthy Public Universities -comprised of the universities in Valencia, Universitat Politècnica de València, University of Alacant, Universitat Jaume I and Miguel Hernández University of Elche- organised Healthy Week between 27the and 30th April due to the celebration of the two world days, Workers' Memorial Day -established by the ONU on 28th April- and Health Day, which was commemorated on 7th April and it centred in food safety.

This programme which was prepared by Universitat de València, by the Vice-Principal of Sustainability and Planning, detailed below, will focus on several proposals, as for example workshops and conferences about healthy lifestyles, cardiovascular risk, postural hygiene, waste impact, etcetera. These activities will take place at the campus of the academic institution -Blasco Ibáñez, Tarongers and Burjassot-Paterna- and also at the Central and Russafa Market.

The slogan for Monday 27th April will be “Health and Nutrition”. During that day there will be some activities for the determination of cardiovascular risk factors and everyone will be informed on the different topics on nutrition and health. The activities will be developed from 9:30 to 13h at the Central Market, Clínico subway line, Russafa Market de and the Campus dels Tarongers place, and they will be in charge of a combination of students of Nutrition, Nursery and Medicine. From 12:30h, at the Central Market as well, environmental volunteering students will develop an activity about the impact on packaging waste.

On Tuesday 28th “Occupational Health” will be celebrated. From 10 to 13h, both at Campus dels Tarongers and Burjassot-Paterna Campus, there will be postural hygiene workshops with Prevention Facility staff and Physiotherapy students. Furthermore, at the Burjassot-Paterna campus, from 9 to 14, we will have some information stands on teams of individual protection, measure teams, and manual handling of loads, among others. At the same Campus, from 9.30 to 11h, there will be a technique or training workshop on manipulation of pressure gas bottles at labs.

Under the slogan of “physical activity and Health”, on Wednesday 29th from 10 to 13h, at the Central Market, there will be a physical condition test workshop.

Finally, on Thursday 30th April, at Blasco Ibáñez campus there will be three stands installed in order to deal smoking subjects and sexually transmitted diseases and there will also be resuscitation workshops from Nursery students.

Dolors Corella, coordinator of the Healthy University programme, highlighted the importance of the coordinated effort of the five public universities in the organization of these activities to give more visibility to health promotion, and not only in the field of nutrition, but also in physical activity, smoking, postural education, prevention of transmissible diseases, what to do in case of vital emergency, etcetera. All the programmed actions have one same goal which REUS network will be directing, addressed both to students and university staff as the population in general.

Universitat de València, through the Sustainable Campus programme, adopted different management policies and several strategic lines to integrate its commitment towards the health of the population, as to favour the attitudes in terms of sustainability to achieve a better life quality of the students and of society in general”, declared the Vice-Principal of Sustainability and Planification, Clara Martínez.

The Valencian Network of Healthy Public Universities is part of the inspired projects by the World Health Organization to encourage healthy surroundings.


Last update: 24 de april de 2015 11:11.

News release