Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

The UV debates about the 30 years of Spain in the EU in the second edition of European December

Poster of the European December 2016.

With the title ‘30 years of Spain in the European Union’, the UV organises the second edition of the series European December, an initiative which wants to promote a debate about the future of Europe as a common space of cultural and social exchange. The sessions, which count on an intense programme of activities, will be celebrated from 1 to 20 December, with the Rector Peset Hall of Residence as the main space for the encounter.

The programme, which includes debates, exhibitions, conferences, cinema and theatre, starts on Thursday 1, with the intervention of Joaquín Almunia, EU Commissioner responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs between 2004 and 2009, who will give the opening conference with the title of the sessions, ‘30 years of Spain in the European Union’. The event will take place in the Sánchez Ayuso Hall of the Faculty of Economics at 12:00 hours.

The European December has a great quantity of debates and conferences. On Friday 2, it will be held the winter edition of ‘Coffee with Projects’, where some citizens’ projects, suggested by NGOs and civic associations such as Atelier ONGD with the initiative ‘Youth united for a more transparent Europe’ will be discussed; EuropImpulse Training, with the project ‘Keeping Democracy Alive’; the Recreatura Association with the suggestion ‘Stay Human’; or the Albergue La Surera, which, in the framework of the LEADER programme, will present an idea to put new energy into the territory of Alto Palancia; among others. The Coffee will be held in the Seminar Hall of the Rector Peset Hall of Residence at 11:00.

On Wednesday 7, at 19:00, in the Rector Peset too, there will be an open dialogue on the vision of Europe held by the student body. It will be moderated by the president of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), Bernd Wächter. The activity, organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation, will be in English with simultaneous translation.

Two round tables will be held on 14 and 15 December. The first one, at 19:00, titled ‘Al servicio de Europa, valencianos en Bruselas’ (At the service of Europe, Valencians in Brussels), will be attended by the delegate of the Governing Council for the EU, Joan Calabuig, as a moderator, and will count on the interventions of the specialists José Luis Iglesias Buhigues, Ricardo Gosalves and Alfredo Escardino. The second one, at 19:00, which will cover the opinion of foreign correspondents about Spain, will be a table of journalists -with Aurora Mínguez, from RTVE in Paris; Martin Dahm, correspondent from ‘Frankfurter Rundschau’ and ‘Berliner Zeitung’; and Paola del Vecchio, correspondent of ‘Il Mattino’ from Naples and ‘Il Messaggero’ from Rome-, moderated by the professor of Journalism Francesc-Andreu Martínez Gallego.

Finally, on Friday 16, professor José Díaz Lafuente will present the electronic book edition of ‘Montblanc, recursos educativos sobre la Unión Europea’ (Montblanc, education resources about the European Union’) of 2016 in the Rector Peset (19:00). Written by Díaz Lafuente and edited by Faximil Edicions Digitals, with the support of the European Documentation Centre of the General Foundation of the UV, this digital tool is available in Spanish and Catalan, and it can be downloaded free of charge.

Cultural activities
On the other hand, cinema and theatre will provide the programme with the most ludic side of the European December. Four films of the Institut Français of Valencia and the Rector Peset Hall of Residence will be projected: on 7, ‘Le mépris’, of Jean-Luc Godard (Italy); on 13, ‘Concursante’, of Rodrigo Cortés (Spain); on 14, ‘Les lignes de Wellington’, of Valéria Sarmiento (Portugal); and on 20, ‘Le Capital’, of Costa Gavras (France). Films will be projected in original version with subtitles in Spanish.

With regards to theatre, the European project Escena Erasmus of the UV will perform the work ‘1936-2025: The European Civil War’, in the Matilde Salvador Hall of the Cultural Centre La Nau (19:30), directed by Antoni Tordera.

Finally, two exhibitions close the cultural section. The Muralla Hall of the Rector Peset will host the exhibitions ‘30 years of the EU in Spain’ and ‘Voyage au Senegal’, which will be opened on 2 December, at 19:00, and will remain open to the public, with free entry, during the whole cycle.

All of this programme (of free entry except for the drama which requires a ticket in is possible thanks to the boost of the European December project, which counts on the coordination of various organisations of the UV: the offices of the vice-principals for Internationalisation and Cooperation, and for Culture and Equity; the Rector Peset Hall of Residence; and the Centre of European Documentation of the General Foundation of the UV. Furthermore, it also counts on the collaboration of institutions and external public organisations, such as the General Directorate of Relations with the European Union and the Valencian Government, the City Hall of Valencia, the office Europe Direct Valencia and the Institut Français of Valencia.

More information and detailed programme, in the web and using the hashtag #DesembreEuropeu2016

Last update: 30 de november de 2016 09:32.

News release