Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

The UV will become the first university in Europe with a chair promoted by Microsoft

Picture of Microsoft.

The UV will become the first university in Europe with an institutional chair promoted by the Microsoft Corporation. The chair will be dedicated to research in the fields of privacy and digital transformation, according to Guillermo Palao, vice-principal for International Relations and Cooperation, who has spoken on Tuesday during the Governing Council.

The main objective of this initiative responds to a concrete vision (promoting the generation of the corporate thinking in privacy) and the mission of leading the knowledge about privacy in Spain and Europe during the period 2016-2020. The Chair will promote training courses about privacy, cyber security and digital transformation. Based on informational/educational purposes, these sessions will bring first-level rapporteurs, from the field of business as well as university; and also researches promoted by the Chair.

Moreover, the Chair may also bring about conferences, the incentive for educational cooperation, the development of joint research lines, the development of research works and doctoral thesis, the promotion of national and international meeting of experts in interesting fields as well as cooperation for research projects.

It will also promote the creation of audio-visual content, the development of works about research results transfer, the development of technical and technological disclosure sessions about innovative issues, and specialised professional exchange sessions. On the other hand, the collaboration on the promotion of technical and scientific meetings is scheduled, as well as the empowerment of the development of publications about interesting topics.

Teaching recruitment

In addition, the Governing Council has approved the Governing Regulation for the selective procedure for the recruitment of teachers hired as temporary doctors. This part has been explained by the vice-principal for Teaching Staff and Academic Planning, Maria Vicenta Mestre.

Finally, it has been approved a new scale for the awarding of prizes for outstanding doctoral research. According to the director and the secretary of the Doctoral School of the University, José Vicente Bagán and Ismael Mingarro, the new regulation expects to homogenize the applicable criteria in the different knowledge fields. The scale specifies the aspects that will be taken into account for the award of these prizes.

Institutional condolences

In line with tradition, the principal, Esteban Morcillo, in his report, has conveyed his institutional condolences for the death of two people from the university community. He is an administration and services retired worker José Genovés San Lorenzo; and the student of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Juan Manuel Gómez Llorens.

Last update: 29 de november de 2016 13:03.

News release