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09:00-09:30 Presentation of the III Meetings run by Antoni Ariño, Vice-Principal for Culture, Equality and Planning and Beatriz Gallardo, director of the SFPIE. Darwin Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

09:30-11:00 1st Round table of educational innovation experiences. Chaired by Mario Cardells (Technician of the SFPIE). Darwin Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

  1. The multimedia guide of epidemiological enquiries in the evaluation of Preventive and Community Dentistry.  José Manuel Almerich Silla. Video.
  2. Evolution and evaluation in the ECREHA and MUPART projects. Felipe Jerez Moliner. Video.
  3. Effect of application of ICTs in the evaluation. Juan Luis Chorro Gascó. Video.
  4. Self-learning and self-on going assessment of the students through interactive materials about Company Law. María de Lourdes Ferrando Villalba. Video.
  5. Evaluation of training unit tools. José González Such. Video.
  6. The evaluation of competences in the projects of “Innova Rel-lab”. Raúl Lorente Campos. Video.
  7. TACAES Project: Evaluating Creativity. Elena Moltó Hernández. Video.
  8. Materials for practical self-learning in Genetics: interactive problems. Lluís Pascual Calaforra. Video.
  9. The use of self-assessment through Learning Object in the field of the Degree in English Studies. Barry Pennock-Speck. Video.
  10. Assessment and self-assessment of practical sessions of Quantum Physics in a Virtual Lab. Jordi Vidal Perona. Video.
  11. Creation of multimedia learning objects and assessment of competences based in signatures in Faculties of Health Sciences. Eduardo Jesús Aguilar García-Iturrospe. Video.
  12. Experimental demonstrations of Physics for the classroom and the evaluation of comprehension. Chantal Ferrer Roca. Video.
  13. Analysis of the effect and characteristics of Questionnaires of Virtual Classrooms in the assessment of students. María del Carmen Martínez Tomás. Video.

11:00-11:30 Break and presentation of posters

11:30-13:00 naugural conference: "Servicio de rúbrica federada para la evaluación de los aprendizajes universitarios" (Signature service federated for the assessment of university learning), by Manuel Cebrián de la Serna (University of Malaga). Darwin Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy. You can consult the transparencies here. You can watch the video here.

13:00-14:30 2nd Round table of educational innovation experiences. Chaired by Pedro García Pilán (Technician of the SFPIE). Darwin Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

  1. Data for the evaluation of Linguistics from the project Innoling. Montserrat Veyrat Rigat. Video.
  2. Assessment of the postgraduates students in international students: the case of the iMBA. María Luisa Andreu Simó. Video.
  3. Incidence of the “edublocs” in the assessment of learning of the students. Joan Pere Molina Alventosa. Video.
  4. Assessment of the Internship in Legal Clinic. Pilar Fernández Artiach.
  5. ARA-Rubrics: Assessment of the Learning Outcomes. Rafael García Ros.
  6. Training and on-going assessment of collaborative works with Tiki-Wiki. Rosanna Mestre Pérez. Video.
  7. Assessment of teaching/learning of the oral Catalan language. Ramon Rosselló Ivars. Video.
  8. Teaching and assessment through general competences signatures of the Master’s Degree in Social and Cooperative Economy. Amparo Melián Navarro. Video.
  9. On-line on-going assessment in a subject of a Master’s Degree. María Pilar Serra Añó. Video.
  10. Assessment of the students of the Master’s Degree in Research "Advanced Sciencies of Modern Telecommunications". Baltasar Beferull Lozano. Video.
  11. Assessment of competences for the sustainability in the degrees of Biology and Teacher in Child Education and Primary Education. Maria Àngels Ull Solís. Video.
  12. Coordination of subjects of second year of the Degree in Criminology. Ana Castelló Ponce. Video.
  13. Results of the educational innovation projects of Ancient History in the assessment of students. Juan José Seguí Marco. Video.
  14. Training Model for the development of ethical competence in students of Physiotherapy. Marta Aguilar Rodríguez. Video.