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From 23 to 24 July - at 10:00 Coordinators: Ángeles Solanes Corella, Tenured Professor of Legal Philosophy and Albert Mora Castro, Professor of Sociology. UV.


In multicultural environments, the management of coexistence, from the guarantee of the rights of all cohabitants, is a fundamental challenge. Public participation plays a key role in the task of promoting multiculturalism, claiming rights and combating discrimination. In this course, the keys of social and political participation are analysed in contexts of diversity, as an engine of democracy, human rights and integration in diversity.

From 23 to 24 July - at 10:00

Coordinators: Ángeles Solanes Corella, Tenured Professor of Legal Philosophy and Albert Mora Castro, Professor of Sociology. UV.


Date From 29 may 2015 to 23 july 2015. 24h. Every day.


C/ Tossal, 8 - Gandia

Organized by

Gandia International Centre


