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Poster of the exhibition
Exhibiton "Yo voy soñando caminos"(I go dreaming down road ways)

75th Anniversary of the death of the poet Antonio Machado


Many are the tributes that the great Spanish poet Antonio Machado will receive in this year in which the 75th anniversary of his death is celebrated: we will enjoy poetry readings, special publications of his works, university studies... But if there is an art so far away from lyrics in appearance but close in essence this is graphic illutstration. The power of suggestion, the musicality, subtlety, the magic enclosing the words in a verse find their equivalent in this static image that reflects a concept, an idea, just with a few lines or some precise colour spots full of sensitivity. Therefore, we consider that the graphic interpretation of the beautiful verses of Machado can provide a new, original and rich view. We want to connect poetry and illustration on the occasion of the celebration of this event so important in the field of Spanish culture. This collective exhibition is based on the graphic interpretation of the poetic works by Antonio Machado. Over 80 illustrators embrace the verses by the poet in order to convert them in rich images, bringing new readings and suggestive visual metaphors.


ScheduleFrom 20 october 2014 to 10 november 2014. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 21:00.


Faculty of Teacher Training

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Dean for Culture of the Faculty of Teacher Training.



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