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From 22 to 24 July at 15:00 Coordinated by: José Miguel Soriano, Executive President of S-N Trust and Delegate of the Rector for Cooperation. UV. Ximo Revert, Technician Head of the S-N Trust (FGUV). UV.


The international scene claims the value of finances over the capacities of the people. Continuous migrations and human trafficking, social and cultural violence, economic disruption, the increase of inequalities, health and education as a business, the impact of external factors on political submission...are some of the common scenes. The sovereignty of states seems to dilute and the cooperation to development is looking for new solidary relations and citizen empowerment.

From 22 to 24 July at 15:00

Coordinated by: José Miguel Soriano, Executive President of S-N Trust and Delegate of the Rector for Cooperation. UV. Ximo Revert, Technician Head of the S-N Trust (FGUV). UV.


Date From 29 may 2015 to 22 july 2015. 24h. Every day.


C/ Tossal, 8 - Gandia

Organized by

Centre Internacional de Gandia


