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From 20 to 22 July - at 12:00 Coordinated by: Hortensia Rico Vidal, Tenured University Professor of Microbiology Universitat de València.


This course intends to respond to various current food-related issues affecting people’s health. Science will help to answer questions and to correct wrong beliefs arising from interested or false information due to a lack of knowledge. It is intended to get each person involved in promoting their own health through knowledge.

This course will have the participation of professors from five areas of knowledge: Nutrition, Parasitology, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Food Technology.

From 20 to 22 July - at 12:00

Coordinated by: Hortensia Rico Vidal. Tenured University Professor of Microbiology Universitat de València.


Date From 29 may 2015 to 20 july 2015. 24h. Every day.


C/ Tossal, 8 - Gandia

Organized by

Gandia International Centre




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