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Tallers de llengües i cultures - primavera de 2017

New A1 Polish language workshop!

The languages offered in this edition are: introduction to Slavonic languages, Ukrainian, Polish and Italian. They will take place between 13 February and 18 May 2017. The Polish workshop will start on 8 March.

The Servei de Política Lingüística (Language Policy Service) of the Universitat de València offers six language and culture courses. They are free and are open to the students and working staff of the UV. They are specially addressed to those who are going to carry out a stay in the countries where these languages are spoken. If you do not work or study at the Universitat, you have the option of joining the Associació d’Amics i Antics Alumnes (

The workshops will take place in Calle Serpis, 29, Valencia (Tarongers Campus). The working languages are the languages are being taught in each workshop and Valencian.

The workshops are not validated for credits and attendance will not be certified.

Information and registration:


ScheduleFrom 8 march 2017 to 17 may 2017. Monday and wednesday at 17:30 to 19:00.


Servei de Política Lingüística, carrer del Sarpis, 29, Edifici Beatriu Civera, planta baixa

Organized by

Servei de Política Lingüística.



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