247 students from over 70 countries compete for 50 vacancies of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in Psychology at the Universitat de València

Facultat de Psicologia.

For the first phase of pre-registration for next year, 247 students from more than seventy countries have applied to be selected in one of the fifty vacancies that offer the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree on work, organisational, and personnel psychology (WOP- P) coordinated by the Universitat de València.

For this phase, pre-registered students are also candidates for Erasmus Mundus of the European Union. Eighty-six students from 22 European countries, among them Spain, with 20 candidates; Italy, 14; Serbia, 12; and Germany with 6, have submitted their applications. From Asia or Eurasia, 68 candidates come from 22 countries, highlighting Philippines (10), Indonesia (9) China (7), Georgia (7) and Pakistan (6). From Latin America there are 49 applicants from 12 countries, highlighting Brazil with 14, Mexico with 7 and Chile with 6. Furthermore, there are 5 applicants from the USA and 37 from 12 African countries, being Ghana (11), Ethiopia (8) and South Africa (5) the countries with more candidates. There have also been some applicants from Australia and New Zeeland.


The Master EM WOP-P, coordinated by the Universitat de València and directed by Professor José María Peiró, is taught by a consortium of five European universities (Barcelona, Bologna, Coimbra, Paris-Descartes and Valencia) granting dual degree to their graduates. Universities of Guelph (Canada) and Brasilia (Brazil) also collaborate. 


The title of Master is what enables to practice as a psychologist in Spain, France, Portugal and Italy. Also, like professor Peiró highlights training provided in this EMMC qualifies for the Certificate of Professional Quality as Psychologist EUROPSY awarded by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) (http://www.europsy-efpa.eu)


Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree on work, organisational, and personnel psychology has a duration of 120 ECTS. The training curriculum requires a minimum mobility of a semester at another university of the consortium and a double degree is awarded by the two European institutions in which each participant has studied according to their mobility plan. The master has international teachers and also from the Universitat de València. Around fifteen visitant teachers teach every year or give complementary teaching seminars on the Master. A masters thesis and a practicum that often occurs in companies or international organizations is included in the training curriculum.


At the Universitat de València all teaching is taught in English and also in the International Center of Gandia they organise a Winter School (two intensive weeks on a boarding basis) in which students from all universities involved and incorporating organized a dozen students from other masters and international doctorates, also selected by the Consortium Coordination team headed by Professor Peiro.


Last update: 20 de january de 2015 12:08.

News release