The new Valencia-Burgassot Campus cycle path is inaugurated

Users of the cycle lane.

Last Thursday, Universitat de València’s Punt Verd and the group ConCiencia Crítica inaugurated the new cycle lane between Valencia and Burjassot Campus. The event was held at the sciences library in Burjassot-Paterna Campus. A film on the campaign to implement this cycle lane has been screened. Then, a tour was organized to cover the route of the new cycle lane from Burjassot Campus to Empalme station. All people coming to this activity were given a reflective band.

More than 2,600 signatures and a vast 3 years campaign were needed to boost the building of this cycle lane between the two places. This stretch was necessary and it has been historically claimed because of its connection between Valencia and a big part of Horta Nord region.

As the group ConCiencia Crítica has stated, the new cycle lane between Valencia and Burjassot Campus is ‘the first step, because there are still many connections to be built and many places which need better safety conditions.’ This group has nevertheless expressed they are satisfied because ‘many cyclists, especially university students, are already using the path.’ Universitat de València, the City Council of Burjassot, the City Council of Valencia and Generalitat Valenciana have been in charge of the works.

Last update: 30 de april de 2012 08:54.

News release