Vicent Soler, new Dean of Facultat d’Economia at Universitat de València

Vicent Soler.

Vicent Soler, full professor of applied economy, has been appointed new Dean of Facultat d’Economia. Soler gained xxx in favour and xxx blank votes today. His team will be made up of Joaquín Aldás, Salvador Castro, Dolores Forés, Fidel León, Esmeralda Linares, José Manuel Pastor, Isabel Sánchez, Pilar Soriano and Rosa Yagüe.

Vicent Soler i Marco (Rocafort, València, 1949) is the current president of Asociación Española de Ciència Regional (AECR). He has a degree and a PhD in economy at Universitat de València (1978) and he is was a research scholar at the London School of Economics in 1983. He also was director of the Departament d’Estructura Econòmica of Universitat de València and presented his candidature to be Principal in the elections celebrated in 2010.

Author and co-author of 20 books and 50 published papers in journals like Investigaciones Regionales, Sviluppo Local, Papeles de Economía Española, Investigaciones Económicas, Información Comercial Española, Economía Industrial, Agricultura y Sociedad, Revista Asturiana de Economía, Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, Arguments, L’Espill, l’Avenç o Recerques. He has also edited the book by Ernest Lluch La via valenciana, at 2001 and 2003 editions, and the collective book Economia espanyola i del País Valencià (2004 and 2009). Soler is a member in the editing board of the journal Economía Industrial, and president of the scientific board of the editions XXXIIIrd and XXXIVth Reunión de Estudios Regionales de la AECR. His research line has gradually been focused on economic geography.

Vicent Soler has held academic public positions such as that of Valencian Ministry for public administration. Nowadays, he is president of the Valencian section of Fundació Ernest Lluch. He has just published the book L’ofici de raonar, thanks to the publishing service of Universitat de València. The book is about economy, politics and the Valencian society. 

Last update: 9 de march de 2012 11:00.

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