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Award to teaching works in Integral Management and Wastewater Resource Recovery

  • June 12th, 2019
Image de la noticia

The DAM Chair, due to the Resolution of June 10th 2019 by the Universitat de València’s vice-principal for Innovation and Transfer, awarded the group formed by Carlos Mateo Defez, Alexandra Dindiligan, Andrea María Salavert Monroig and Ana Escorihuela Bella for their teaching works in Integral Management and Wastewater Resource Recovery.

Selected students were given classes via pedagogy, technology, creativity and teamwork workshops, among others, so that they’re able to develop a teaching project suited to be disseminated in schools, specifically among 5th-graders. Selected people were divided in several groups formed by students form different degrees of the Valencian Community’s universities, developing one project per group. The final prize was given to the group that presented the best idea for its project’s dissemination in schools. Moreover, each group member’s prize consisted of a tablet worth 200€.

This award seeks to promote the importance of the integral management and the wastewater resource recovery among 5th-graders from schools of the Valencian Community.

Check the Resolution at this link.