Chair for Digital Gender GapUniversty of València Logo del portal

Conference 'ComMujeres. Challenges and opportunities for women in the digital environment. Breaking the gaps'

On 26th November at 11.30 a.m. the conference 'ComMujeres. Retos y oportunidades de la mujer en el entorno digital. Rompiendo brechas' (Challenges and opportunities for women in the digital environment. Breaking the gaps) will take place.

The Chair for the Digital Gender Gap and the Unitat  d'Igualtat (Equality Unit) are collaborating on this conference with the project ‘ComMujeres. Comunicación Digital y Género’ (Digital communication and gender), which belongs to the Chair of Gender Studies of the Universidad de Valladolid (UVa).

These events are part of the activities organised by the Universitat de València (UV) on the occasion of #25N International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

These conferences will discuss the situation of women within the ICT sector and the future prospects. As well as technological and social entrepreneurship and how these elements can be of great help in giving women employment opportunities and, thus, reducing the risk of suffering gender violence.

It should be noted that the conference is scheduled within the subjects of Engineering, Society and University of the Degree in Computer Engineering, Degree in Multimedia Engineering, Degree in Telematics Engineering and the Degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering of the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria. In the other degrees it has not been possible due to time incompatibility, but students have been recommended to follow the conference once the videos are shared in the Chair’s YouTube channel: 

Access to the conference for those interested is available via:



11.30 a.m. Presentation. Silvia Rueda, Director of the Chair for the Digital Gender Gap of the Universitat de València, and Teresa Gema Martín Casado, Director of the project 'ComMujeres. Comunicación digital y género', from the Chair of Gender Studies at the Universidad de Valladolid.

11.40 a.m. ComMujeres Project: 'La mujer ante la realidad tecnológica digital. Brechas y oportunidades’ (Women in the face of digital technology. Gaps and opportunities). By Teresa Gema Martín. 

12.30 a.m. 'Perspectiva de género en la robótica y la Inteligencia Artificial. Un análisis desde la comunicación' (Gender perspective on robotics and Artificial Intelligence. An analysis from communication). By Yanna Franco, Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and member of the Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas of the UCM. 

13.15 a.m. 'Retos y oportunidades en el emprendimiento tecnológico femenino' (Challenges and opportunities in female technological entrepreneurship'), by Margarita Albors, president of the Social Nest Foundation. 

14.00 a.m. End of the conference. 

Organised by: Project ‘ComMujeres. Comunicación Digital y Género. Cátedra de Estudios de Género’ of the UVa (granted by the Instituto de la Mujer).

Coordinated by: Teresa Gema Martín Casado, Director of the project 'ComMujeres. Comunicación digital y género' of the Chair of Gender Studies of the UVa.

Collaborators: Chair for the Digital Gender Gap of the UV and Unitat d’Igualtat of the UV.