- Evaluate and issue reports requested by Institutions on Research Projects or Works in which biological agents or Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's), chemical substances, radioisotopes or any other that imply a potential risk for people, the community or the environment are used.
- To advise and certify the research and teaching activities carried out at the University of Valencia in which chemical and biological agents or Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are used, guaranteeing their adaptation to the methodological and legal requirements in force.
- Assigning the level of biosafety containment in teaching and research laboratories in which biological agents or GMOs are handled.
- Advise and participate in the preparation of the documentation required to work with biological agents or GMOs in confinement conditions.
- Advise and participate in the development of procedures and protocols for working with biological agents or GMOs.
- Establish the conditions of use of the facilities (mosquito nets, autoclaves, access...).
- Participate in the creations of biosafety Manuals.
- Ensure compliance with the regulations established for the control of biosafety and environmental protection.
- To advise on research projects or works carried out at the Universitat de València facilities related to biosafety and to promote the implementation of good practices in laboratories.
- To disseminate, promote and raise awareness in the university community of the implications of biosafety in scientific advances and their applications and to offer the necessary information to understand their scope and possible consequences.
- Communicate to the competent authorities the use of new GMOs or other biological agents, and significant changes in handling conditions, as well as the existence of situations that reduce the safety of exposed personnel, such as the population in case of accidental release out of confinement conditions or that may affect the environment.
All of these functions are of a general nature and should be adapted to the levels of biological containment with which they are worked.