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Counter-culture and dissidences


‘Counter-culture and dissidences’


Víctor M. Ramírez. Researcher of the memory of sexual-gender dissidence in the Canary Islands.

Piro Subrat. Historian.


Tony Ramos Murphy. Ph.D. in Sociology and CEO of Culturalink.

Presented by:

Raúl Abeledo. Academic Director of the UV Cultural Observatory.

From different historical perspectives, Víctor M. Ramírez and Piro Subrat have focused their work as researchers towards the promotion of the rights of sexual dissidences. How are sexual dissidences and the question of gender approached in the Spanish historical-political context? What role did social movements and political parties play since the Transition to the present day? The shift from repression to visibilisation or from recognition to commodification are themes that their latest publications address on this issue: Invertidos y Rompepatrias. Marxismo, anarquismo y desobediencia sexual y de género en el Estado español (1868-1982) (Ed. Imperdible, 2019), by Piro Subrat, and Peligrosas y Revolucionarias. Las disidencias sexuales en Canarias durante el franquismo y la transición (Ed. Tamaimos, 2019), by Víctor M. Ramírez. The dialogue will be moderated by Tony Ramos Murphy, an expert in cultural policy and cultural manager with more than two decades of experience.

Face-to-face session. Aula Magna, Centre Cultural La Nau. Registration is required and free of charge:

Online streaming via the Centre Cultural La Nau YouTube channel (no registration required):


Date 14 june 2022 at 18:00 to 20:00. Tuesday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Observatori Cultural UV. Fundació General UV

Col: Ajuntament de València. Caixa Popular.

